• It'd be nice to know, for example, how Florida Democrats Bob Graham and Bill Nelson feel about this treatment of a Cuban American.


  • Indeed, at a time when the politics of climate change has played a part in the removal of two prime ministers and two opposition leaders - Brendan Nelson and Malcolm Turnbull - Bob Brown has turned this nettlesome issue to his party's advantage.

    BBC: Greens enjoy taste of power in Australia's parliament

  • In short, the message should be particularly clear to Senators Olympia Snowe, Roger Wicker, Bob Corker, Scott Brown, Jim Webb and Ben Nelson who are up for reelection in 2012: Those who believe the United States must practice the authentic Reagan philosophy of "peace through strength" will accept no substitutes.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Team Reagan vs. the establishment

  • Included, along with Mary Landrieu, Claire McCaskill , Joe Manchin, Ben Nelson and Debbie Stabenow, are Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Bob Casey (Pennsylvania), Tim Johnson (South Dakota), Tom Carper (Delaware), Kent Conrad (North Dakota), Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota), Jim Webb (Virginia), Carl Levin (Michigan) and John Rockefeller (West Virginia).

    FORBES: Reining In The EPA's Reign Of Error

  • Two possibilities are the senators from Florida, Bill Nelson , a lawyer who once went up in the Space Shuttle, and Bob Graham , who is retiring, whose bid for the presidential nomination flopped but who is Florida's last Democratic icon.

    ECONOMIST: John Kerry's running-mate

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