Around minute 11, the bobbing and weaving began to lose its charm and feel oddly distracting.
Even if driven underground for a while, they have an unsettling habit of bobbing up later.
He and the children watched the shape of her head bobbing, disappearing and reappearing against the dazzle.
Hemingway had discovered the futility of bobbing and weaving with the ups and downs of world events.
Teledyne Webb's Storm Glider, meanwhile, lurks in hurricane-prone areas, bobbing up to take readings during extreme weather.
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Though in the informal setting etiquette dictated no bows, Mr. Shimabukuro's head kept bobbing up and down involuntarily.
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It had always been a time for playful laughter and bobbing for apples, and the celebration was always reserved for synagogue.
It is estimated about 600 people attended his funeral at the Garden of England Crematorium in Bobbing, near Sittingbourne.
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This book bristles with assumptions, assessments and attitudes that will either have you bobbing your head in agreement or shaking it in disbelief.
It may turn out that Europe is the head of the corpse bobbing out from the hole in the sunken boat.
My brother and sister are like traffic cops, making sure the bobbing bits don't travel too far outside their designated zone.
However, about six hours later a lifeguard on the shore saw something bobbing in the water and went out to investigate.
If it rains, don't be surprised to witness a sea of bobbing plastic bags shielding these prize hats from the elements.
They have spent the last six months like boxers in the early rounds, dancing, bobbing and weaving, trying to stalk one another.
Tea bags were bobbing, leaking color, in two mugs of milky water.
That aircraft carrier might yet be bobbing about on an inflationary surge.
Then he caught sight of the bobbing dot of her head again: grateful, he saw it turn and head back toward the beach.
But instead of observing a sharp and continuous rise in Tian Tian's oestrogen, the observations showed the levels were bobbing up and down.
Booting up the retooled package offers users a new 3D menu, giving them options for arm length, crouching, head bobbing and a crosshair.
By this time, Samara had drifted 50 or 60 yards farther down the river, still bobbing in and out of the ice-cold water.
Not long after the bobbing booster was fished out of the Atlantic, a team of troubleshooters determined the wire broke away from a connector.
We gaze with astonishment at the vine-clad buildings, the riotous window boxes, the bobbing pastel fishing boats and the vast medieval fortress at the centre of town.
As Annaleise Carr approached the Toronto shore, her red swimming cap bobbing up and down as she swam freestyle, a crowd of supporters cheered and clapped.
He and his crewman spent the next five hours bobbing about in increasingly choppy waters hauling in lines of pots for a catch of crab and lobster.
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As I looked around the room at the bobbing heads of reporters and financial advisors, I wondered whether his words were being accepted as fact, faith, or opinion?
The man dragged the bike away, straddled it, and tried to start it, bobbing up and down, pitching his weight onto the lever, the engine whirring but not catching.
"Greenberg" is a love story, yes, but it's also a tale of two people adrift in separate currents, constantly sinking and bobbing to the surface like synchro swimmers out of sync.
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However, I found the bobbing, disembodied head of Lykka -- an animated image of MacSpeech CEO Andrew Taylor's pet Golden Retriever, which floats in the feedback palette -- disconcerting and somewhat creepy.
Venture capitalists, those veteran investors hired precisely because they could divine the high-tech future, didn't know either--that's why they are all already bobbing and weaving over the health of their rapidly maturing funds.
In the coves around the town, family groups lie on the beach while I join the swimmers lolling offshore, our heads bobbing in the gilded waters that stretch out towards the setting sun.