Jimenez's actual coffin has been shipped back to her mother in Mexico, her body dressed in a white gown and veil.
It features an all-metal body in silver, black or white and is portable enough to travel across the world without sacrificing DSLR image quality and the control that experienced photographers expect.
Her body was found near the Uffington White Horse in Oxfordshire.
The body of the victim was removed from the scene in a white hearse.
In the field clinic, a man was carefully wrapping the body of a seven-year-old girl in a white sheet.
Philosophically, America's Commission on International Religious Freedom (a bipartisan body that advises Congress and the White House) is in step with the Obama mood.
Her body was found several days later close to the Uffington White Horse in Oxfordshire.
He looked skinny in his post-bypass body and still sported his trademark shock of white hair.
The body of K. K. Harouni lay on the floor, wrapped in a white cloth, his jaw bound closed with a white bandage, the knot tied jauntily near one ear.
John Coplans, on the other hand, chose Type 55 film (which yields a black-and-white positive and negative) in the 1980s to record his own stolid nude body in interlocking blocks of hairy flesh, self-portraits that owe something to Henry Moore and Philip Guston.
WSJ: The Polaroid SX-70 as Sexy Tech | Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center | By Richard B. Woodward
Pavarotti's body was dressed in a black tuxedo, hands folded on his stomach and holding a rosary and his trademark white handkerchief.
In addition, white chickens are generally bred and raised in a more adverse environment to prompt the development of body weight.
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And the brutalized body of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old black boy killed in 1955 for allegedly flirting with a white woman, was shown at the insistence of his mother at his funeral, galvanizing the civil rights movement, Shapiro said.