• Vernon Bogdanor, a professor of government at Oxford University, reckons that Mr Bercow is vulnerable.

    ECONOMIST: The campaign in Buckingham

  • Vernon Bogdanor, of Oxford University, argues that the decline of party allegiance has also increased the appeal of a non-partisan head of state.

    ECONOMIST: Why the monarchy is stronger today than ten years ago

  • If treaties are to be changed, though, Vernon Bogdanor, a professor at King's College, London, would push the elections yet further, and elect the entire commission on a Europe-wide basis.

    ECONOMIST: The euro crisis

  • Professor Vernon Bogdanor, a rival academic, sees things differently.

    ECONOMIST: Government by committee

  • The constitutional expert Professor Vernon Bogdanor has argued that serving and former heads of the armed forces are becoming too vocal in their criticism of the government, threatening the constitutional convention by which the armed forces remain politically neutral.

    BBC: Guthrie comments 'beyond acceptable'

  • The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (at 2.30pm) gets the views of water companies on the water white paper and the Scottish Affairs Committee (at 2.30pm) hears from leading political academics including Vernon Bogdanor and John Curtice, plus pollster Peter Kellner, the Scotland referendum.

    BBC: Week ahead in Parliament

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