Robert Rubin, a bond analyst with Bear, Stearns, thinks regulators will seize on the change in control to gain concessions from TNP.
Citigroup municipal-bond analyst George Friedlander said he hadn't given up hope yet that concerted lobbying by states and cities could persuade Congress to renew BABs.
In the company's 1998 annual report, as Glenn Reynolds of the bond analyst firm CreditSights points out, it predicted that the growth of its health care costs would flatten at 5% by 2004.
But from a bond market analyst's perspective, fears of a broader contagion are overblown.
Yet, there probably will not be any rate cut at all this year or next, said Marcin Kopaczynski, a bond and currency analyst specializing in Poland at Raiffeisen Bank.
Pity the poor bond-rating analyst.
FORBES: S&P Downgrade: Short Term, Meaningless. Long-Term, Spot On.
"EFH's capital structure is untenable, " says Carl Blake, analyst at bond research firm Gimme Credit.
The Moody's comments added to fears "that contagion could extend to the Spanish bond market" said Rabobank analyst Jane Foley, though she added the report did "not enlighten the market much further with respect to the underlying issues with respect to Spain".
Roughly two and a half years ago, a well-known analyst called for a massive wave of defaults in the municipal bond market.
Li Fei, analyst for Dagong Global Credit Rating Company and author of the bond rating report, told FORBES that optical fiber preform is the upstream product of the optical fiber industry and requires high technical content in its manufacturing techniques.
FORBES: Technology Breakthrough Makes Chinese Fiber Optics Entrepreneur A New Billionaire
The Bank of Japan's bond purchases, known as quantitative easing, could have significant implications for global bond markets "if Japanese investors are forced to look abroad for higher yielding alternatives, " said Deutsche Bank analyst Gene Cheon.
The really good news is that one Sunday in December, an analyst named Meredith Whitney revealed to the nation on 60 Minutes her opinion that we will see massive municipal bond defaults.