Investors are understandably bone-tired after seeing one accounting calamity after another splattered across the front pages.
The goal: a drug against osteoporosis, the brittle-bone disease that afflicts 25 million older Americans, mostly women.
Hugh Gunn, 67, was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer seven years ago, but has not broken a bone.
Beginning this month the Hoechst-Ariad Genomics Center will test some 30, 000 genes for activity in forming bone cells.
They found a genetic mutation that seemed to indicate a bone marrow transplant was necessary.
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Rushida had an MRI on Thursday in Eugene, revealing bruising of the bone and ligaments.
So I'll settle for challenging everyone who reads this to get on the Bone Marrow Registry.
In 2011 she added a center for advanced therapeutics with a bone marrow transplant unit.
The proper human diet requires not cuts in bone or muscle but in the blubber.
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You come here for Gorgonzola-crusted, bone-in buffalo rib eye or red-wine-braised Montana lamb shank.
One thing Peter Bone won't squabble about is that Mr Clegg is the problem.
Buffett will be having his usual rare T-bone steak and two orders of hashed brown potatoes.
The training camp roster also includes rookies Kelsey Bone, Toni Young, Kamiko Williams and Shenneika Smith.
The funeral of PC Bone will take place at the cathedral at 10:00 BST on Thursday.
Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy PCs Hughes and Bone "exemplified the very best of British policing".
As thermometers drop across the Northeast and Midwest, bone-crunching blocks and tackles become the norm.
The trees grow small and stunted, their living branches bleached bone-white by wind and dust.
She will "miss a chunk of time" when she has her bone marrow transplant, she said.
The injury is said to be separate from the bone spur problem he had last year.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | England | Flintoff undergoes ankle surgery
Mr Bone's desire to have South Norwood's "delights" recognised was the starting point for SNTB.
BBC: Lake District name claim by South Norwood tourist group
However, they can cause bleeding, and bone loss which can lead to osteoporosis later in life.
I've been told this bone will heal and when it heals I'll be ready to go.
After all, whether a Cro-Magnon or a Myhrvold, no bone collector wants to get skinned.
Eventually, my father ran a mail-order pharmacy, and my mother became a bone marrow transplant nurse.
"Be minimal, and blend it a little right up to the brow bone, " said Ms. Swift.
Its bone drug Zometa was unexpectedly shown to reduce risk of breast cancer recurring by 35%.
Harvard doctors showed in 1992 that through-the-needle ablation could relieve excruciating pain from benign bone tumors.
This is why children with progeria have such issues with bone density and rigidity.
"Gordon Brown and David Cameron are like two dogs fighting over the wrong bone, " he said.
My dad died of Multiple Myeloma, Cancer of the bone marrow, when I was 15.