Hedge fund zillionaire Seth Klarman has the same Bernanke bee in his bonnet.
It is understood she died after coming off the bonnet and hitting a lamppost.
He ploughed straight into Mr Mort, knocking him onto his bonnet and then onto the kerb.
Microsoft filed a lawsuit in a Seattle federal court in February against unnamed operators of the Rustock bonnet.
Until the early 1990s, only two peppers had reached the 350, 000 Scoville mark the habanero and the Scotch bonnet.
After being hit by the car, Mr McCann was thrown onto the bonnet and then over the vehicle.
Then it bounced against the side of a lorry and onto her bonnet.
In Hong Kong or Singapore computer-makers may be selling to enthusiasts, keen to know what is under the bonnet.
He stops the truck, pulls out a pair of binoculars and scans the landscape, steadying his elbows against the bonnet.
I've been wearing the war bonnet and I've been really displeasing these gentle ladies behind me, but this is yours.
But even if the cold keeps America from going on a bonnet blowout, little will keep Easter shoppers from Cadbury Eggs.
In fact Richard says he's a lapsed Labour Party member, but one with a real bee in his bonnet over pensions.
Mr Auld, of Ormiston, managed to get outside but slumped over the bonnet of his car before falling to the ground.
An investigating judge, Piero Antonio Bonnet, is leading the next stage of the investigation, which could lead to a trial or acquittal.
CNN: No cardinal suspected of pope papers leak, Vatican insists
"A car comes from nowhere and hits him on the bonnet, he went up in the air and landed on the windscreen".
Mrs McHugh was carried along the bonnet of the car before she fell off and hit a zebra crossing light, police said.
It puts the Habanero or Scotch Bonnet in the shade at, according to the pepper hotness Scoville Scale, three times more burn.
The Interior Minister, Jean-Pierre Chevenement, acknowledged serious mistakes in police work, but said Mr Bonnet should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.
BBC: News | Europe | French parliament debates Corsica scandal
Naturally, those Corsicans who had enjoyed disregarding their tax returns or fiddling their farming subsidies were rather cross about Mr Bonnet's attitude.
The process is closely monitored to ensure even paint application, particularly where the two sides meet on the bonnet, roof and boot lid.
When I caught up with him he was attaching a bizarre yellow bonnet to the head of a reluctant four year old boy, Carson.
Electrician Mr Hazeldene was thrown from the bonnet of his car as he tried to stop it from being stolen in Melrose Avenue, police said.
The video, shot from a Land Rover being driven along a flooded stretch of road at Welney, Norfolk, shows water flowing over the vehicle's bonnet.
Mrs McHugh died from head injuries after she was carried along the bonnet of the car before she fell off and hit a zebra crossing light.
In these pages, Roland Lehoucq and Jean-Marc Bonnet-Bidaud remind us that, even as our gaze turns heavenwards, our feet remain firmly planted on a celestial body.
Mr Bonnet, who was sent to Corsica to rid the island of corruption and gangsterism, is being questioned about the firebombing of a restaurant last month.
BBC: News | Europe | French parliament debates Corsica scandal
And she sat there, and I thought her bonnet was going to flip off her head. (Laughter.) It was like, what did I just hear?
At one point in the video, a tractor and trailer pass in the opposite direction, causing a wave of water to surge over the Land Rover's bonnet.
If a bee is buzzing your bonnet, open a window.
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