While 91% of advisors have at least one fee-based account in their book of business, the still remaining overall high percentage of transactional business illustrates that fee-based business has a very long way to go.
Now, with "Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom, " Mr. Platt presents the first book-length foray in this direction, providing a compelling alternative account of much-studied events that feels both a bit old-fashioned (in its panoramic view of battles and leaders) yet also very much in step with recent scholarship, placing national stories into global frameworks.
This longer version first appears in William Mares' 1968 book Marine Machine, a non-fiction account of a platoon's basic training, according to Jonathan Lighter's Historical Dictionary of American Slang.
The documents that have been disclosed reveal that some bishops in the bankrupt dioceses presented the diocesan funds of parishes, schools, hospitals and retirement accounts as separate when they were really simply book-keeping entries in the same pooled investment account.
Ms Neighbour offers no grand prescriptions for dealing with terrorism, but her book is a compelling, readable and well-informed account of an Islamist terror network that has spread across South-East Asia.
Mr Rose, who as an historian of the book belongs to a growing sub-discipline, has written a masterly account of the way in which the British working classes (and that term must remain emphatically plural, since Mr Rose moves from the landlocked rural poor, to London's Jewish East End, to the clattering factory towns of north-western England) have taught, soothed and entertained themselves through their own intellectual resources.
And with more pairs of decks sold every year and the ever-growing prominence of "named" DJs, this book is a worthy account of a massive and still evolving phenomena.
Written in the style of Chuck Colson, the Watergate conspirator who in adversity re-found his Christian faith, the book will be closely studied for its account of what actually took place at the Ritz.
For the most part those virtues are on keen display in this book, which in fox-like fashion does not attempt to construct a grand account of human prediction but simply to identify some of the common ways in which people make mistakes and some of the methods by which they could improve.
HypoVereinsbank, for example, says that sub-investment-grade loans actually account for less than 30% of its North American book.
In a new book titled HOW TO SURVIVE THE TITANIC, Award-winning historian Frances Wilson delivers a gripping account of the incident.
Suze Orman, for example, wrote in her most recent book, The Money Class, that 8 months of savings in an interest-bearing checking account is simply a must.
FORBES: Careful: Saving For An Emergency Could Become Its Own Emergency
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The strategy for composing that retirement account is the subject of my new book, Safety Net: The Strategy for De-Risking Your Investments in a Time of Turbulence.
Davern, the former captain of the yacht Splendour, broke his silence with an account of that day in "Goodbye Natalie, Goodbye Splendour, " a book he co-wrote that was published in 2009.