The most vivid part of Moran's book is his account of Kemmler's execution, which was horribly botched.
Mr McCain comes off badly too, but the book's account is tinged with sadness, as The Economist's own reporting of the maverick politician's tragic final act was also inclined to be.
ECONOMIST: How Barack Obama beat the Clintons and won the White House
The first third of the book gives an absorbing account of the making of an economist.
His book is an impressive account of a world that few readers of this newspaper will recognise.
For readers who can successfully suppress their irritation, his book provides a useful account of the dysfunctional relationship between Pakistan and America.
This book is an enriching account that combines personal confessions, like when he was kidnapped, and experiences to subjects like sports, love, faith and self-knowledge.
And with more pairs of decks sold every year and the ever-growing prominence of "named" DJs, this book is a worthy account of a massive and still evolving phenomena.
Mrs Kamte's book provides a detailed account of how the policemen ended up in a lane near the Cama hospital, where they were killed when two of the gunmen ambushed their vehicle.
McBride, culinary program director and editorial director for Strategic Initiatives at the Culinary Institute of America, what might account for the book's popularity.
While 91% of advisors have at least one fee-based account in their book of business, the still remaining overall high percentage of transactional business illustrates that fee-based business has a very long way to go.
Most annoying of all is the lack of a conclusion: the book ends with a garbled account of the downfall of Margaret Thatcher and the limp observation that the 1980s were by far the most interesting part of the post-war era.
Once they choose a book, customers can choose to "Send to Kindle" and will be redirected to to login to their account and the book will be delivered to the device they select via Wi-Fi, or can be transferred via USB.
It is also stymied by the fact that book values fail to take full account of intangible assets things you cannot kick, like brands, patents or partnerships.
ECONOMIST: The ultimate measure by which a company is judged
That gets its first outing in the Book of Revelation, a lurid account of the apocalypse probably best read as an allegory of the individual Christian's journey to salvation.
Unlike the valuation methods based on book value alone, it takes into account the earnings power.
Written in the style of Chuck Colson, the Watergate conspirator who in adversity re-found his Christian faith, the book will be closely studied for its account of what actually took place at the Ritz.
For a comprehensive yet eminently comprehensible account of how cosmologists pieced together the history of the universe, turn to the latest book by Simon Singh, a British science writer best known for his bestselling account of the solution of Fermat's last theorem.
ECONOMIST: The quest to explain the structure of the universe
But distributors chopped the film in half before release, and this book is a more rounded and more telling account.
Read with the volume turned down a notch, the book is a valuable, if unhappy, account of the last years of her life.
This longer version first appears in William Mares' 1968 book Marine Machine, a non-fiction account of a platoon's basic training, according to Jonathan Lighter's Historical Dictionary of American Slang.
In recent years, however, the act of reading has undergone a rapid transformation, as devices such as the Kindle and iPad account for a growing share of book sales. (Amazon, for instance, now sells more e-books than hardcovers.) Before long, we will do most of our reading on screens lovely, luminous screens.
WSJ: How E-Readers Change the Way We Read | Head Case by Jonah Lehrer
If you want to read the definitive account of what happened check out the book Coronary by Stephen Klaidman.
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The strategy for composing that retirement account is the subject of my new book, Safety Net: The Strategy for De-Risking Your Investments in a Time of Turbulence.
The documents that have been disclosed reveal that some bishops in the bankrupt dioceses presented the diocesan funds of parishes, schools, hospitals and retirement accounts as separate when they were really simply book-keeping entries in the same pooled investment account.
In his book, Zimmering finds that demographic shifts don't account for the changes.
BBC: Who, What, Why: What happened to crime in New York City?
Property development and mortgages account for less than 20% of loan book exposure, which points to less of a downturn threat.
Pape's book appears to be a very extensive and well researched account of the phenomena of suicide terrorism, at first glance.
In practice, they accept special offers to members of a loyalty club, or to people who book tickets early or keep a big balance on an account.
"Zero Dark Thirty" was in postproduction when the book "No Easy Day, " the first direct account by a member of the SEAL team, came out last summer.
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Ms Neighbour offers no grand prescriptions for dealing with terrorism, but her book is a compelling, readable and well-informed account of an Islamist terror network that has spread across South-East Asia.