• Imagine if you still needed to lug around the Yellow Pages to look up a phone number, or carry around a book of maps in your car to get directions.

    FORBES: Happy First Birthday JOBS Act

  • At its heart, the book takes the characteristics of elements and maps them to human traits.

    FORBES: Bunpei Yorifuji's Quirky Guide To The Periodic Table

  • Better still, Rebekah says, the book clearly maps the link between new ways of working and economic, environmental and human benefits.

    FORBES: Find Flexibility in the Hours You Fly Solo

  • We prepared maps on single sheets and published a book of walks in 30 neighborhoods in and near Boston.

    WHITEHOUSE: Building Pedestrian Friendly Environments

  • More than a century later Sneden's war diary is being published in book form, together with paintings and maps he made of his experience.

    FORBES: War Story

  • He ends his book with a blast of cartographical analysis, and suggests that weather maps have created the template for other representations of volatile geographic phenomena such as the incidence of crime and disease.

    ECONOMIST: Weather maps

  • Mr Schwartz is a former director of the Institut Pasteur in France, and his book maps out with great clarity the scientific investigation into how scrapie a disease that has long been known to afflict sheep came to cross the species barrier to cows, and then from cows to humans.

    ECONOMIST: Food safety

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