The increasing popularity of the website among diners and the added advantage of being able to make reservations using the OpenTable application for mobile phones will boost the number of diners booking tables on OpenTable in the future.
After the booking, Room 77, which has partnerships with a number of hotel chains, will email the customer to inform them of the type of room they received.
Long-time favourite 12 Bar Club at number 26 stages gigs seven nights a week, booking new and rising singer-songwriters for the intimate - OK, tiny - venue.
Whilst a busy restaurant may serve the same number of tables today, the size of the lunchtime booking has been reduced from four or three to two to cut costs.
Now that BA has realized that an increasing number of its customers are eschewing shop front staff and call centers for the ease of online booking, the airline is closing the shutters on 17 of its U.K. Travel Shops and a Belfast-based customer call center.