That would assure the reliable supply of low cost energy essential to fueling a booming economy.
By far the most important factor behind steel's revival, however, is China's booming economy.
But they miss the point that a booming economy, not woolly patriotism, brought in those dollars.
Not everyone can get or hold down a job, even in a booming economy.
The combination of imprudent lenders, inexperienced borrowers, weak supervision and a booming economy proved fatal.
ECONOMIST: Mexico��s bank rescue: No end to the burden? | The
The booming economy will produce new technological marvels that will make our defenses all the more advanced.
Most moved to or near Denver, attracted by a booming economy and an attractive quality of life.
ECONOMIST: Economics takes on demography in the mountain West
Thanks to a booming economy, America's leaders have a tax windfall to spend on the country's problems.
Based on that historical record, we should be completing the second year of a booming economy by now.
The booming economy has also given the governor more room for manoeuvre in the short term as well.
Clinton supporters, meanwhile, note that he turned large federal deficits into surpluses and presided over a booming economy.
That sell-off was caused partly by a booming economy and the Federal Reserve's doubling of interest rates, to 6%.
Second is to cut tax rates to provide the necessary incentives for investment, job creation and a booming economy.
The UAE's dollar-pegged currency and booming economy are pushing inflation to dizzying levels.
And despite a booming economy, the number of Americans filing for personal bankruptcy rose 73% between 1994 and 1997.
The city is being transformed, as a booming economy and decreasing crime rates attract those who like to work and play hard.
The cruise business has prospered in recent years thanks to the booming economy.
But India, despite its booming economy, will keep getting aid for the millions of the world's poorest who live there.
Retirement plans are good recruitment tool in a booming economy with job competition, but they are extremely vulnerable in a recession.
Based on these historical precedents, we should be nearing the end of the second year of a booming economy right now.
This reform, helped along by the booming economy, has moved half of all recipients off the welfare rolls and into work.
Because of these policy shifts, and in response to a booming economy, poor people have entered the workforce in record numbers.
ECONOMIST: The working poor need help, and in all kinds of ways
Wherever the booming economy cries out for workers, or a place needs regenerating, the ever-arriving and ever-progressing Latinos will move in.
Thanks to the booming economy, most carriers are bursting at the seams.
China's inflation is near a 10-year high, driven by its booming economy.
Brazil's booming economy has lifted millions out of poverty in recent years.
Revenues from the remaining taxes would rise more rapidly as well, along with the booming economy, as the results discussed above also showed.
The BJP says that a booming economy and recent peace overtures with Pakistan have contributed to the sense of well-being in the country.
Republican fortunes have been improving of late, thanks to a booming economy and the recovering popularity of the current Republican governor, Pete Wilson.
It was the sixth consecutive cut as Brazil, too, is having to adapt to a much slower rate of growth in its once-booming economy.