Current articles combine investigative reporting with a sensibility that is adolescent, male, and proudly boorish.
He noted that mobile phones were only one potential source of boorish behaviour in the theatre.
That is not to excuse the boorish, thoughtless or vile activities of powerful men who should have known better.
That may have been the most diplomatic term ever used to describe the boorish, bellowing fans who inhabit what is often called the Bronx Zoo.
So, if Mr. Dimon is coming across as another boorish Wall Street fat cat, then the question is: Who will step up to the role of industry spokesman?
Despite his one-time success, the Australian sporting public has never really taken to Lleyton Hewitt, largely because of his on-court petulance and a few well-publicised incidents of boorish behaviour.
His victory came not so much because he campaigned brilliantly, but more because Mr Meciar lost his cool in a televised debate between the rounds, reminding voters what a boorish old bully he was.
It's particularly boorish to communicate sensitive matters anonymously.
Gareth Saxe is appropriately boorish as Chip Bohlen, the American CIA agent who intrudes upon the Russians' gathering with clumsy bonhomie, his not-so-subtle threats putting a face to the general feeling of U.S. government dominance.
When he entered the Knesset in 1973 many thought him dull and boorish, and were surprised that he made a decent Speaker and, in 1980, a foreign minister with a genuine and knowledgeable interest in foreign affairs.
Sure enough, Mr. Hare's unhappy lovers embody England's latter-day class conflicts: Tom (Brian Mani) is a nouveau-riche Thatcherite entrepreneur with a boorish streak, while Kyra (Greta Wohlrabe) is a chastened idealist who has renounced her upper-middle-class background to teach poor children.
To the contrary, I express a sentiment that I have heard from a vast number of women, who collectively have said that your recent article entitled "Don't Marry a Career Woman" was read with disgust, disdain, and pity for a group of people who could be so utterly insensitive and boorish in approving such slanderous filth.