New Delhi's bumbling began in earnest three years ago, when the Congress Party-led government inexplicably replaced army troops with borderpolice to patrol the frontier.
In July 1997, city officials in the Phoenix suburb of Chandler, Arizona, paired up local police officers with U.S. BorderPatrol agents in an attempt to rid the city of illegal immigrants.
When the local police find and detain the illegals they contact the BorderPatrol and then the BorderPatrol refuses to return to the scene because it was lunchtime.
After a battle that U.S. BorderPatrol officers started by shooting bean bags at smugglers armed with AK-47s, police arrested four suspects and recovered three firearms from the scene that have since been traced to Fast and Furious.
While police try to send the migrants back, officials from other branches of Mexico's government patrol the border to help advise the migrants of their human rights as they pass through the country.