Meanwhile shares of peers such as Borders Group fell 6.7%, Books-A-Million 2.4% and 2.5%., even after its 40% cannonball dive from April's peaks, is worth 17 times more than Borders Group Inc.
Borders Group intends to use the capital in order to revamp its website and market its new low cost eReader.
Borders Group, one of the two main brick-and-mortar bookstore competitors to online-only retailer Amazon , recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
That would be painful for landlords but nothing like the hit they took when bookseller Borders Group and electronics chain Circuit City liquidated.
WSJ: Landlords Prefer Deals LIke Office Depot-OfficeMax to Liquidations
At the same time, there are fewer bookstores in which to sell physical books, highlighted by the liquidation last year of Borders Group Inc.
LeBow, a long time chairman of tobacco holding company Vector Group, will actively participate in his investment as he will take over chairmanship at Borders Group.
Borders Group, delaying payments to publishers and distributors as it struggles to refinance its debt, shut down approximately 200 of its Borders and Waldenbooks stores in 2010.
In January Ron Marshall stepped down as chief executive of the troubled Borders Group, shortly after the bookseller posted a steep drop in revenue and same-store sales over the holidays.
Borders Group ( BGP - news - people ), delaying payments to publishers and distributors as it struggles to refinance its debt, shut down approximately 200 of its Borders and Waldenbooks stores in 2010.
However, the Borders Patient Action Group (BPAG) said the benefit of the changes would be limited.
BBC: Borders hydrotherapy pool move disappoints patient group
Robin Hoover, co-founder of Humane Borders, the group that's put water stations in the desert to help prevent crossers from dying.
Outside the cluster of cinder block structures that make up Kano's Infectious Diseases Hospital, hundreds of sick children are lined up, awaiting treatment from Doctors Without Borders, the nonprofit group, which has set up a tent on hospital grounds.
Meanwhile, members of the local Countryside Access Group in the Borders have decided that - with some exceptions - visitors should now be formally welcomed back.
The global aid group Doctors Without Borders, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres, said there's a serious imbalance in who gets the vital help inside Syria.
Reverence for Jamsetji Tata, the group's founder, borders on ancestor worship: his ever-present busts are garlanded with fresh flowers daily.
During Operation Algebra, Lothian and Borders Police identified up to 70 contacts of the group throughout Britain and abroad.
When refugees arrived by the thousands in November, the only international aid group working in Dubie was Doctors Without Borders.
Migration across borders is an essential lubricant to economic growth and one group of migrants is particularly important: entrepreneurs.
Continuing violence in Central African Republic was preventing critically wounded patients from getting the help they needed, said the French medical aid group, Medecins Sans Frontieres, or Doctors Without Borders.
"This team represents the true sense of international partnership in that we looked across borders to find the best for our customers, " said Blake Larson, the president of ATK Aerospace Systems Group.