They got bored with the Cure, so Gerry changed it to Echo and the Bunnymen.
Whenever she got bored with the characters and plotlines, Ms. Harris added new supernatural creatures.
It could be that investors are bored with PCs, PDAs and Office talk from Microsoft.
During the rationed 1940s they grew bored with driving 35mph on bald tires and pockmarked highways.
After a couple of years, Ross grew bored with TACT and went into finance instead.
They may have plateaued in their careers and are bored with the redundancy of their jobs.
For a Dutchman to say he was bored with beer would be akin to knocking Rembrandt.
At age 12 this Nova Scotia native got bored with school and enrolled at Dalhousie University.
Surely my fellow Trekkers are just as bored with all the Star Trek games that've been released.
It may be that eventually Freddy Heineken became a little bored with the beer he made famous.
But I also suspect that another reason was that players were dropping out after getting bored with the game.
FORBES: 'World of Warcraft' Launches 'Cataclysm' Expansion To Keep Up Billion-Dollar Revenues
Like a grizzly bear bored with petty prey, he shrugged and ambled away.
Seeing the children bored with opening too many gifts and wandering away before finished, reinforced that less was more.
Thailand, where coups used to be frequent events, has become bored with them.
Bored with their daily offerings, Pat asked Harry to buy some beef that they then grilled with onions and piled on a roll.
And they are already bored with an election campaign which, vastly expensive though it is, has never really warmed up.
And they provide a more unique option for shoppers bored with ubiquitous midsize cars like the Audi A4 or BMW 3-Series.
"Gold has been a momentum trade and people are getting bored with it, " says the head of a major hedge fund.
Bored with auto repair, Field in 1997 bought a print shop in Livingston that catered to businesses in Bozeman and Billings.
Even readers are bored with the end of the world as we have known it, and with good reason, we suppose.
And the public grew bored with him, although Jones sees things differently.
Anyone who loves red meat but has become bored with beef and lamb would be remiss not to give goat a try.
Finally, Karthikeya, who had been getting bored with all the discussion, casually mentioned that he was perfectly clear as to its meaning.
He seemed bored with the whole thing and rushed through the set.
Bored with Labour and far from convinced that Mr Cameron's Tories had really changed, voters picked the Lib Dems as their default choice.
Our books sell to people who are bored with traditional literature, who want to be thrilled and changed by language and images and sound.
Young writers, bored with the bourgeois age, quickly constructed new values.
It may be that Mr Trigano eventually became bored with tourism.
Children quickly get bored with one type of media, research suggests, and tend to combine screen time with playing with toys and running around in circles outdoors.
When Fred grew bored with us and showed signs of calling for the check, Walt would ask him for investment advice, claiming to have considerable funds stashed away.