And they, too, had big dreams for their daughter, a common dream, born of two continents.
As for the reforms, like Sarbanes-Oxley, born of the Enron implosion, they're already under fire.
The EU itself was born of the catastrophe of two world wars, collisions of competing nation-states.
But Palace Pompadour, he says, is his crowning achievement, a curatorship born of kismet.
"Here was a genuinely co-operative effort in thrift, born of necessity, " said a supporter in 1947.
The most watched TV title is Amazing Planet: Born of Fire, a 2007 National Geographic documentary.
FORBES: Amazon Prime Instant Video Now A Year Old; What's Next?
New competition among the states, born of the election result, should actually enhance the economic draw.
His shambling gait and socks-round-the-ankles appearance belied a tremendous rugby brain born of hard-earned experience.
That would explain how Harry's friend Hermione could be a wizard born of muggle parents.
BrandVoice was born of a core philosophy applied to all content in the digital age.
FORBES: Inside Forbes: Before It Was Called Native Advertising, a Team in a 'Box' Had an Idea
These truths are not born of some zeal for austerity or unkindness, but of arithmetic.
WSJ: Canada, Druckenmiller and Warsh: Generational Theft Needs to Be Arrested
Some huge companies have indeed been born of mergers in the past couple of years.
He died before I was born of lung disease due to the mustard gas.
It is called the Delphos, this idea, and it was born of Fortuny's admiration for classical Greece.
WSJ: The Rich Pleasures of Pleats | Fortuny | Spanish Institute | By Laura Jacobs
The administration concedes Rice spoke from flawed talking points, but insists the mistakes were born of understandable confusion.
Among the other plots born of Sahfe's sermons was the murder of cab driver Yefim Weinstein last November.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Addressing Israel's homegrown enemies
Composer Peter Androsch said his focus on the era was in part born of his own family's history.
An agricultural engineer born of Japanese parents, Mr Fujimori was a political unknown until weeks before the vote.
Suppose a woman born of a Jewish mother and Muslim father brings charges against her Muslim husband for rape?
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And like many important discoveries, this one was born of a happy accident.
No one has suggested that his initiative was born of any motive other than the goodness of his heart.
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Kam says was born of lessons learned in his two previous startups.
Born of frustration with the IMF, it remains linked to the fund's conditions.
The icons were born of a privacy workshop that Mozilla held earlier this year with privacy advocates and regulators.
We are a nation born of an idea, a commitment to human freedom.
Policies motivated by nothing more than discomfort with firearms, often born of a lack of experience, fall far short.
WSJ: David Rivkin and Andrew Grossman: Gun Control and the Constitution
The sanctimonious hypocrisy of the British tabloid reaction to the pictures of the duchess is presumably born of frustration.
As good ideas often are, this one was born of sweat and booze.
Taras Grescoe, a Montreal-based writer, believes Canadian niceness is born of necessity.
Born of revolutions, America and France each established republics inspired by Enlightenment thinking, and based on freedom and individual rights.