• Bosnian Croats and Serbs waved and cheered as the Americans made their way south.

    CNN: Bosnia begins peaceful 1996

  • The leader of the Bosnian Croats says that his forces will advance into rebel territory until the Serbs agree to peace.

    CNN: New fronts may open the Balkan war

  • About 30, 000 Croatian Serbs are in the Serb part of Bosnia and 70, 000 Bosnian Croats are in Croatia, according to United Nations figures.

    BBC: Return plan for Balkan refugees

  • Virtually all Bosnian Croats, who account for perhaps 14% of the population, hold Croatian citizenship, as do many others who can claim a Croatian link.

    BBC: How Croatia and Serbia buried the hatchet

  • He helped forge an uneasy federation between Bosnian Muslims and Croats, to offset the Serb onslaught.

    ECONOMIST: Peter Galbraith��s smaller stage

  • In 1992 they were destroyed and the museum shut: Princip had to go Bosnian Muslims and Croats saw him as a Serbian hero.

    ECONOMIST: Bosnia's memorials reflect its changes in fortune

  • Elsewhere in the war-riddled region, the joint offensive by the predominantly Muslim Bosnian government and Croats continues to refrain from attacking the Serb stronghold, Banja Luka.

    CNN: New air strikes nixed in Bosnia- Sept. 20, 1995

  • The Dayton accords, which ended the Bosnian war, formalised the division of the country into two parts: a Serb entity and a federation of Croats and Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims).

    ECONOMIST: Worries over Bosnia

  • The Bosnian war claimed about 200, 000 lives, and many Bosnian Muslims, Serbs and Croats see NATO troops as a guarantee that the conflict will not erupt again.

    CNN: NATO eyes Bosnia cuts

  • In order to achieve this, they carried out crimes against Bosnian Muslims and other non-Croats that included murder, rape, sexual assault, destruction of property, imprisonment and deportation, the ICTY statement said.

    CNN: 6 former Bosnian Croat leaders convicted of war crimes

  • But it will be understandable if some Serbs also feel that the justice meted out by the Hague court is selective: it is admirable that the court should have got its hands on the top Serb, the man who made policy, and not just those who carried it out, but what of his counterparts among the Croats and even the Bosnian Muslims?

    ECONOMIST: Slobodan Milosevic

  • She can point out that it has convicted Bosnian Muslims for war crimes against Serbs and Croats, and that over a third of the 39 people in The Hague whose trial is either under way or impending are not Serb.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • Last year the pair formed a shadow Bosnian cabinet with three Serbs, three Muslims and two Croats.

    ECONOMIST: Bosnia

  • Jorda admitted that most of the indicted suspects were Serbs but said the court had never been asked to pursue an equal number of Serbs, Croats and Moslems for crimes committed during the Bosnian war and more recently, in Kosovo.

    CNN: World - Russia, China accuse former Yugoslavia war crimes court of playing politics

  • And it has successfully prosecuted both Croats and Muslims, as well as Serbs, for crimes in the earlier, Bosnian war.

    ECONOMIST: Milosevic��s trial

  • Last week British troops snatched two Bosnian Serbs, who between them had run a network of prison camps in which Muslims and Croats were tortured and murdered.

    ECONOMIST: Justice in Bosnia

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