Minutes later, a series of Twitter posts from the Boston Police Department trumpeted the news.
The Boston Police Department has backed its co-operative talk with cash, awarding substantial grants to helpful non-profit organisations.
He didn't specify if any formal discussions were taking place to secure drones, and a spokesperson for the Boston Police Department didn't immediately return a request for comment.
City Council President Stephen Murphy, who said he was briefed by members of the Boston Police Department, said he does not know if investigators know the man's name.
After the hearing, the head of the FBI's Boston office, Richard DesLauriers, issued a statement describing the FBI and Boston police department's work together on a joint-terrorism task force, where police detectives had access to a database with the details of the FBI's inquiry into Mr. Tsarnaev.
In addition to highlighting the tremendous acts of heroism by the men and women of the FBI, the Boston Police Department, and other agencies and first responders yesterday, the President praised the kindness, generosity and love that was on display throughout the city of Boston in the aftermath of the bombings.
In addition, the Watertown Police Department, the Cambridge Police Department, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Police Department, the Boston Fire Department, the National Guard and police, fire and emergency responders from across Massachusetts and New England played critical roles in the investigation and response.
Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis and his department set a social-media standard for security emergencies that will benefit law-enforcement agencies everywhere, and the people they serve.
WSJ: Michael Chertoff and Dallas Lawrence: Investigating Terror in the Age of Twitter
In late 1993, after a brief return stint in Boston, Mr. Bratton was appointed commissioner of the New York City Police Department by Mayor-elect Rudy Giuliani.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with William Bratton: The Real Cures for Gun Violence
Extra police and Department of Homeland Security vehicles patrolled the outside of the TD Garden in Boston before the game, which hosted 17, 565 fans.
"Boston reinforced the need for it, " said Deputy Chief Michael Downing, the commanding officer of the police department's counterterrorism bureau.
The attack left Boston police with "the most complex crime scene that we've dealt with in the history of our department, " Commissioner Ed Davis said.