Both sides now have a week to recover before they meet again at Whitehaven's Recreation Ground in the Championship opener on Sunday.
Politicking over the fiscal cliff has begun in earnest highlighting the fact both sides now disavow the cliff (somehow forgetting it was entirely of their making).
However, such an agreement proved impossible in the hyper-political climate of an election year, and the government-wide cuts opposed by both sides now are set to take effect.
Recent comments by both U.S. and Iranian officials seem to indicate that both sides now have a greater realization of the risks of brinkmanship and are willing to talk more seriously about their respective concerns.
Both sides now employ full-time public-relations specialists.
And then we suggest more than a dozen specific steps that could be taken by both sides, some jointly, some separately, to rebuild the confidence that's been so badly shattered, not just among the political leaders, but the public as well, the public on both sides now tends to disbelieve anything from the other side and then finally a resumption of meaningful negotiations.
Politicians and diplomats on both sides are now seeking to patch up the relationship.
The Cold War logic that led to creation of massive stockpiles on both sides is now outdated.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Post-Mortem on the Summit: The Talbott Communique
Like the seasoned fencers that they are, both sides are now mixing provocative stuff with more measured statements.
Both sides are now armed in an uprising that has taken nearly 30, 000 lives, most of them civilians killed in government onslaughts.
But unlike 2008, when Republican turnout underwhelmed, Wisconsin voters on both sides are now engaged at a level not seen in recent memory.
Doctors had been labelled "enemies of the state" for treating the injured and both sides were now using hospitals as a war strategy, MSF said.
"We have had several rounds of talks, including in Tehran last week, and a mechanism agreeable to both sides has now been reached, " Mr Nabizadeh said.
Both sides have now committed themselves to the Mitchell Report.
If the notion that both sides have now come close to negotiating because of setbacks on the battlefield is right, would not arming the rebels now simply re-ignite the fight and torpedo talks?
Both sides have now adopted the idea of a royal charter - a formal document used to set up bodies such as universities and the BBC - but there are key differences between the two plans.
"Now both sides have been trying to find common points to restore diplomatic relationships, " Esteruelas said.
Both sides of that equation now with new homeowners, Shane Latham and Kathy Valdez, Jesston Turner, who is behind on his mortgage, and Realtor Rachel Morales.
With representatives on both sides of the aisle now recognizing the importance of national investments in clean, American energy sources, new opportunities for bipartisan progress on clean energy may be possible where efforts to pass contentious cap and trade legislation have repeatedly failed.
FORBES: Does New Republican Bill Signal Bipartisan Support for Clean Energy Investment?
Now, you've seen both sides make their argument, and you know now what a fundamental choice we have ahead of us.
Both sides sense Bush is ahead now, but not as much as he was.
CNN: The South is crucial for Bush but straying
You see, now that both sides have made their argument, there's a big choice to make.
And he's losing Latinos now on both sides of the aisle over his cowardice.
Now, both sides are preparing for a showdown over the fate of the New York Stock Exchange.
WSJ: CEOs of Nasdaq and NYSE Square Off Over Possible Takeover Battle