But independent analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies and others shows that both budgets took money from the rich and gave it to the poor.
The survivor will bring home to his district both glory and food, and everyone, rich and poor, watches the events on television.
And Mr Rubin acknowledged that more should be done, both in rich and poor countries, to reduce the risks of over-borrowing.
To frame the debate as one of rich-and-entitled versus poor-and-dispossessed is to both miss the point and further inflame an already incendiary environment.
Some way of combining the abolition of both the shield and the wealth tax with a higher upper tax band could be seen as fairer, by rich and poor alike.
Though both rich and poor countries have been working to get the talks back on track since then, a substantial reduction of the rich world's bloated farm subsidies is crucial to bringing their poorer brethren back into the fold.
The phrase "US delete" leaps out at the reader, so consistently does it appear - often in company with Canada - particularly on anything relating to "common but differentiated responsibilities", the phrase that basically means rich and poor countries both have an interest in solving something but have different roles to play.
They have both promised to boost social welfare spending, close the gap between the rich and poor and rein in the country's family-run giant conglomerates, known as chaebol.
Worse, obsessed with the idea that globalisation threatens the social contract in rich countries, Mr Rodrik almost forgets that both rich and poor countries stand to benefit enormously from trade.
That first edition makes a curious contrast to the final edition, but its editorial with a mission statement aimed at appealing to both rich and poor still seems relevant.
They both tend to criticise inequality of any sort, whether it be between rich and poor, the successful and unsuccessful within a particular job category, in income and in opportunity.
What the world is suffering from is not so much a savings glut as an investment deficit, in both rich and poor countries.
On cash, money should indeed change hands both for moral reasons (rich countries are largely responsible for the problem so far but poor ones will suffer most) and for practical ones (some poor countries do not have access to the capital they need to invest in mitigation).