With so many decks steeply stacked against GM, why does it even bother with hydrogen?
He simply did not matter, and if he did not matter, why bother with his name?
But based on early reviews, Android users might not want to bother with it.
FORBES: Flash For Smartphones Is Finally Here, And It Is Terrible
Robert Milici, an 81-year-old geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey, didn't bother with orange vests.
WSJ: In Geology, Old-Timers Can Be Worth Their Weight in Gold
It was clear that Lidochka, after eleven years, did not want to bother with small talk.
The thinking goes: Why bother with exotic, risky places where cronyism and flimflammery rule?
Besides, why bother with soap or deodorants when you have the world's finest scent?
Why bother with a new agreement at all, and why make it so generous to Mr Vyakhirev?
At first blush, it seems kind of odd that Aramco would even bother with expanding Shaybah right now.
FORBES: GE To Hitch Ride On Saudi Arabia's $90 Billion Oil Expansion
Special Offer: Why bother with stocks or Treasuries when you can clean up in convertibles, preferreds and MLPs?
It is quite possible that, once the novelty has worn off, fewer will bother with the new session.
"You take what you want with you and don't bother with the rest, " says Webaroo's other cofounder, Bradley Husick.
You may regard preferreds a market oddity or too tiny to bother with.
FORBES: Forget The Dogs, For Rich Income Look To Dow Preferreds
"Initially we thought we would not bother with this November date, " he said.
Maybe people in this city have made up their minds already, and that's why they don't bother with politics.
So, when rolling out the world's biggest TV (in its class, anyway), why bother with subtlety and understatement, right?
Somebody asked why the government should bother with promoting the third way in the first place, as it were.
So why am I telling you not to bother with this download if I myself have played with it?
Simply enough, they wondered, should investors bother with trying to select individual stocks in hopes that they might outperform.
Many European governments do not bother with a formal fund but use pay-as-you-go schemes, funding benefits out of future taxes.
ECONOMIST: The retired are always supported by their children
Why bother with ATM skimmers when you can just search the web?
But that's okay: This is the Internet, where things always moved fast, and lots of businesses never bother with things like direction.
Which brings us back to the second question, why bother with this?
FORBES: For Shareholders And The Company, Is It All's Well That Ends Dell?
Why, therefore, bother with the whole messy business in the first place?
Special Offer: Why bother with stocks when you can beat the pants off of them with fixed income while taking on less risk?
Special Offer: Why bother with stocks when you can beat the pants off of them with fixed- income while taking on less risk?
It has too many steps and no one wants to bother with it while on the bus or walking (and hopefully not while driving).
Initially, 7-inch tablets were written off by most of the industry as too small to bother with, leaving the playing field wide open.
Ironically, it was once the exact opposite, with well-to-do moms not wanting to bother with breastfeeding and seeing it as something of a peasant practice.
After all, why bother with an unreliable world of channel surfing when I have 22 years of Cheers and Frasier to work my way through?