• So is it time to bottom fish?

    FORBES: AOL: Time To Bottom Fish?

  • Is it too soon to bottom-fish in Asia?

    FORBES: Riding the coattails of the global boom

  • Now, or I should say, again, just when you thought it was safe to bottom-fish in the distressed single-family housing market, maybe for a home for you and your family, along comes the Wall Street gang, again.

    FORBES: Rising Home Prices And Falling Unemployment: Don't Trust the Numbers

  • For thousands of years, cod and other bottom-feeding fish were the top predators in the system.

    ECONOMIST: Lobsters in Maine

  • Since cesium binds to the sediment on the ocean floor, the radiation has likely had the biggest effect on bottom-dwelling fish and other animals though the consequences still aren't clear, said Tatsuo Aono, a specialist at Japan's National Institute of Radiological Sciences.

    WSJ: In Japan, Relief at Radiation's Low Toll

  • Flows are now concentrated midstream over a natural bottom that easily passes fish.

    CNN: Migrating fish get help in uphill battle

  • The filter feeder fish at the bottom of the food chain then ingest these nano-particles of plastic.


  • Despite pushing the remainder of the fish to the bottom of the hole, they were not able to retrieve it and decided to simply bypass it.

    FORBES: McMoRan Update From Enercom Oil & Gas Conference

  • Among the new measures proposed are the phasing out of bottom trawls, the heavy gear that scrapes material from the bottom of the sea - fish, coral and anything else in its way.

    BBC: Fishing's global footprint

  • The bottom line for dementia is that fish oil may help in the very early stages, but more research must be done to confirm this, he said.

    CNN: Mediterranean diet may help prevent dementia, study says

  • It wasn't until I glanced down at the article that was unceremoniously squeezed beneath extensive coverage of a fish sale and the bottom of the page that I found what I was looking for, a brief story covering one of the most incredible achievements of human kind.


  • The bottom line is that eating a Hudson or East River fish once in a while probably won't kill you.

    WSJ: You Can't Get Seasick on a Park Bench

  • On the platform, researchers push pieces of fish down a pipe that goes right to the bottom of the water.

    BBC: Sea lion test to probe declines

  • Campaigners, with the support of marine scientists, have repeatedly tried to persuade countries to agree to an international ban, arguing that the indiscriminate nature of bottom-trawling is causing irreversible damage to coral reefs and slow-growing fish species, which can take decades to reach maturity and are therefore slow to replenish their numbers.


  • But the incident stirred a fierce debate here about yo-yoing, a technically challenging but potent technique that involves stuffing a bait fish with lead weight so it will sink to the ocean's bottom where big stripers lie.

    WSJ: For Massachusetts Fishermen, A Weighty Debate About Fair Play

  • It involves learning where sponges grow, picking the right one, prying an intact sponge from the sea bottom, and using it on their noses to root around the right areas to find fish concealed in the sand.

    MSN: Dolphin social networks show first hints of culture

  • Bottom-trawling's knock-on impacts are best illustrated by the plight of the deep-sea fish, the orange roughy (also known as slimeheads) whose populations have been reduced by more than 90%, according to marine scientists.


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