• Bouillabaisse wouldn't be bouillabaisse without the intoxicating aroma of saffron threads, which are the orange-yellow stigmas of the purple crocus.

    NPR: Robb Walsh: 'Are You Really Going to Eat That?'

  • As a result, Cythera displays hearty remnants of its cultural bouillabaisse, with Venetian, Ottoman, British and Ancient Greek influences coexisting on the island.

    BBC: The island of Aphrodite��s ancestors

  • It was the standard line-up of starchy past-their-primes bouillabaisse with a few obvious campaign contributors and just enough of the right folks ( Carol Bartz, Jim Morgan, Gregory Slayton ) to make you assume they were invited for all the wrong reasons.

    FORBES: President-Elect Fails To Understand Tech

  • John Dory and caramelized fennel, green garlic, bouillabaisse jus, and black olive crostini enhanced by a full-bodied Feudi di San Gregorio 2007 Falanghina--I could go on (and we did, well into a third dessert), but suffice it to say that thanks to some thoughtful updating, the Mansion has reasserted itself among the Lone Star State's elite.

    FORBES: Lifestyle Feature

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