Promising work on brain plasticity is spilling out of research labs.
Brain plasticity, the field that Merzenich helped pioneer, is now one of the hottest areas in medicine, one with hugely positive implications for an aging society.
The same study found that MdDS was a disorder of brain plasticity, which means that the neural pathways in the brain are unable to change in response to changes in behaviour or environment.
In younger patients, the brain has greater plasticity and capability for recovery of functions.
Revealingly, the new gene, called neuregulin-1, turns out to be involved in brain cell "plasticity, " the rewiring process that enables learning.
Thanks to the plasticity of the brain, it may well be that the practice of frequently lying causes underlying structural changes in the brain.
It is dependent on the plasticity of the brain, and on the fact that experience is as powerful an agent of change as natural selection.
Important insights to emerge from the panel included the plasticity of the brain in recovering from traumatic injury over time, as well as preliminary studies suggesting that certain genetic mutations may influence susceptibility and recovery after traumatic brain injury as well as early-onset dementia.
Forcing both eyes to co-operate increases the level of plasticity or adaptability in the brain and allows the weak eye to relearn how to see, he said.
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Last week I attended a coaching conference where Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, UCLA Professor of Psychiatry and author of You Are Not Your Brain, spoke about his research findings on neuro-plasticity.
FORBES: How You Can Outsmart Your Brain In Work, Love & Life
While a deeper understanding of neuro-plasticity is extremely relevant for people who have suffered from a stroke or other traumatic brain injury, what has piqued my interest most is its application for those of us whose brains already work perfectly well.
FORBES: How You Can Outsmart Your Brain In Work, Love & Life
Plasticity studies have also revealed that the five senses, once thought to be isolated systems in the brain, may be interchangeable.