Other tools that are particularly helpful are structured brainstorming, mind mapping and making forced connections.
IBMers periodically hold firmwide "Jams"--online brainstorming sessions on topics ranging from data centers to translation software.
This thought process turns into an incredibly helpful brainstorming method for use with your team.
It was brainstorming with nary a concrete step, but plenty of ideas to chew over.
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The first set of teams got the standard brainstorming spiel, including the no-criticism ground rules.
Consider scheduling semi-annual meetings or brainstorming sessions with investors, either in person or via conference call.
As part of the bargain, we Idea Bouncers got a crash course in effective group brainstorming.
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For those wishing to try out brainstorming, there are a number of helpful hints.
My business story comes from a unique program invented during a brainstorming session with my management team.
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Just a week earlier, India's ruling Congress Party was in Jaipur too, for its annual brainstorming session.
Her Xtreme Dream team "Has been brainstorming and thinking, 'We've got to get out there, '" she said.
Absolutely: They sit around in large open spaces separated by inconsequential partitions, or no partitions at all, brainstorming.
On seeing a handheld HSS emitter at work, marketers go into "immediate brainstorming mode, " says Harbor's Jeffrey Dahlstrom.
Almost everybody does brainstorming wrong, Ralph Keeney says, and turns it into an enormous waste of time.
What he loves most is brainstorming new ideas--like "smoothie snacks" (whey puffs coated in orange, coconut and pineapple).
Brewster's spare office has a computer, a lonely bookshelf and a huge whiteboard, the better for brainstorming sessions.
The whole is, after all, greater than the sum of its parts in brainstorming as well as metaphysics.
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When we were brainstorming with DC, it was something that we all felt that a super hero would wear.
Soon after, Alloy started packaging books that came out of biweekly brainstorming sessions with a 12-person, mostly female group.
Building 20 and brainstorming came into being at almost exactly the same time.
One of his early changes there was brainstorming sessions for employees whenever he visited one of the 114 offices.
The fatal misconception behind brainstorming is that there is a particular script we should all follow in group interactions.
Pass a room filled with fresh-faced staffers brainstorming over laptops and go inside.
Mr. Massoni estimates they have about 8, 000 pieces that can be used as a starting point for brainstorming future work.
L. Steltzner is happiest in situations like this: surrounded by whiteboards and brilliant minds, brainstorming ideas and winnowing them down.
He spent months afterward brainstorming, by himself and with friends, about how to create an original game for the device.
When you run brainstorming sessions, make sure the entire team is participating, not just the loudest voices in the room.
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Her portrait was covered in post-it notes, and in front of it was a group of developers brainstorming some ideas.
Zynga has some brainstorming to do if they want to remain viable in the gaming space for the long term.
Susan Barriball held a brainstorming session with her family to come up with a name for their Cordova Beach, N.