He came to Wembley armed with advisers and a PowerPoint presentation, proposing root and branch change in English national football.
The barrister said the firm had now moved to a new factory at Greenfield from its Deeside plant, and has carried out a "root and branch" safety review.
The U.S. and U.N. envoys should proactively back a root-and-branch Congolese reform process to address critical issues that undergird the conflict, from decentralization to army reform.
However, Sinn Fein has said it will tell MPs that there must be root and branch reform of the force.
There needs to be root and branch change at this entire organisation.
Are you a root and branch type of person when it comes to change or do you think nudging events in the right direction is more constructive?
So what were the lessons of the EU's emergency summit in Brussels which was to begin a 'root and branch examination' of relations with Russia, to use UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown's words?
He wrote back then to the Presiding Officer asking her to set up a root and branch review of the Assembly's procedures and how its engagement with the public might be improved.
"We are carrying out a root and branch reform of the National Curriculum to set out the essential knowledge that children need, while leaving schools free to decide how to teach it, " he said.
The triple murder of Susan McGoldrick, Alison and Tanya Turnbull was horrific, but the coroner was so concerned about the way gun licensing was administered by Durham Police he publicly called for "root and branch" reform.
The report said the agencies should conduct "root and branch" reform of the way they do business - to tackle perceived conflicts of interest and correct flaws in the way they award ratings - or face tougher regulation.
In a statement, Daniel Smith, one of the company's partners, said the Winterbourne View home had been immediately closed after the abuse was revealed, with the company "promptly undertaking a root and branch internal review of its operations".
The crisis of the navy is only a part of the general dysfunctionality of the present-day Ministry of Defence that must now be tackled root and branch, before, absit omen, more serious military defeat forces it upon the country.
In confirming this morning that he would be quitting as Barclays chairman, Marcus Agius also announced a root and branch review of all of the bank's past practices that have been revealed as flawed since the credit crisis started.
The FA board has also sanctioned a "root and branch" examination of the whole England team set up, led by FA chief executive Brian Barwick, whose own position has been questioned in the wake of the team's failure to qualify.
This is a root and branch review, it's our once and for all chance to actually put our house in order, show it's above board, make sure that we've got the proper support services for MPs, so they can do their job properly for the public, but make sure the public have got confidence in it.
He is also well-protected from the charge that he is a root-and-branch enemy of business.
But religious conservatives resist root-and-branch reform of a sector they regard as one of their strongholds.
Some might object that root-and-branch tax reform is a hopelessly ambitious scheme, but this only encourages Mr Forbes.
After the next election, all main parties have committed to holding a root-and-branch review of all military services.
Perhaps the best thing it could do to remove the uncertainty is to start a root-and-branch restructuring of Daewoo.
The tribunal said it was not surprised, from what it had seen, that the prime minister wanted a "root-and-branch review".
Home Secretary Theresa May has rejected calls from MPs for a root-and-branch review of drugs strategy, insisting the government's approach is working.
Mike Stone, from the Patients Association, said that root-and-branch reform was needed.
Root-and-branch structural reform will have to wait a while longer.
ECONOMIST: In place of devaluation, troubled members could try reform
The failure of the Gingrich revolution made many conservatives rethink their root-and-branch opposition to government, and the success of welfare reform has removed the most egregious example of government incompetence.
For example, only the Free Democrats are championing the root-and-branch tax reform that Germany needs, but they would be part of the (numerically pitiful) opposition, if they make it into parliament at all.
The Republicans, who can muster enough votes to block the governor's budget, refuse to consider tax increases unless they are accompanied by a root-and-branch overhaul of state finances and a mass sell-off of state assets.
But although the Tories succeeded in introducing a slightly tougher system for incapacity benefit, paid to people deemed incapable of work, they were too cowed by the powerful disability lobby to set about root-and-branch reforms.
The opposition began a root-and-branch review of policy in 2010 and is expected to set out its stall on key issues in the year ahead, in the run-up to the next general election - scheduled for 2015.