• This mind-set was typical of the engineers and technocrats who disproportionately made up the extremist branch of Salafism, a school of thought intent on returning Islam to the idealized early days of the religion.

    NEWYORKER: The Rebellion Within

  • In January, the Fukushima branch of Japan's nursery school association raised an alarm.

    WSJ: Radiation Worries Spur 'Quackery' Cures

  • On Monday night, PA reported that about 15 students -- members of the School of Oriental and African Studies' branch of Stop the War Coalition -- occupied the reception area of a BBC building in central London and demanded to speak to a senior member of the corporation.

    CNN: Sky, BBC condemned for Gaza aid appeal rejection

  • The business school will have close ties with the New York branch.

    WSJ: New Dean Named at Cornell University's Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management

  • Detectives with Scotland Yard's anti-terrorism branch spent part of Sunday interviewing Michael Rimmer, a former high school teacher who described Abdulmutallab as a "very devout" Muslim who had once expressed sympathy for Afghanistan's Taliban insurgency during a classroom discussion.


  • Mr Dyson was the National Union of Teachers' official who led strike action at Rawmarsh Community School and is the joint divisional secretary of the union's Rotherham branch.

    BBC: Labour shortlists two women for Rotherham by-election

  • His base in Yvelines, a suburb of Paris, was an industrial-sized site incorporating a school where, on any day, 400 working chefs would be retraining in every branch of cookery.

    ECONOMIST: Gaston Len?tre

  • "New technology doesn't tend to substitute for branch banking but to complement it, " says Charles Calomiris, a professor at Columbia University's business school.

    FORBES: Money & Investing

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