This mind-set was typical of the engineers and technocrats who disproportionately made up the extremist branch of Salafism, a school of thought intent on returning Islam to the idealized early days of the religion.
NEWYORKER: The Rebellion Within
In January, the Fukushima branch of Japan's nursery school association raised an alarm.
WSJ: Radiation Worries Spur 'Quackery' Cures
On Monday night, PA reported that about 15 students -- members of the School of Oriental and African Studies' branch of Stop the War Coalition -- occupied the reception area of a BBC building in central London and demanded to speak to a senior member of the corporation.
CNN: Sky, BBC condemned for Gaza aid appeal rejection
The business school will have close ties with the New York branch.
WSJ: New Dean Named at Cornell University's Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Detectives with Scotland Yard's anti-terrorism branch spent part of Sunday interviewing Michael Rimmer, a former high school teacher who described Abdulmutallab as a "very devout" Muslim who had once expressed sympathy for Afghanistan's Taliban insurgency during a classroom discussion.
Mr Dyson was the National Union of Teachers' official who led strike action at Rawmarsh Community School and is the joint divisional secretary of the union's Rotherham branch.
BBC: Labour shortlists two women for Rotherham by-election
His base in Yvelines, a suburb of Paris, was an industrial-sized site incorporating a school where, on any day, 400 working chefs would be retraining in every branch of cookery.
ECONOMIST: Gaston Len?tre
"New technology doesn't tend to substitute for branch banking but to complement it, " says Charles Calomiris, a professor at Columbia University's business school.
FORBES: Money & Investing