Eddie Rickenbacker, the World War I ace, bravely founded Eastern Airlines in the late 1930s.
Ben's widow, Kate, is nearby, bravely sculpting a huge, gaunt figure of Christ for the cathedral.
But the visitors battled back bravely and McBride nodded in to restore parity again.
We weren't given a choice but you were and you have bravely chosen to fight.
She smiles bravely but is unable to stop the tears from rolling down her face.
And he almost struck again within seconds, forcing Casillas to dive bravely at his feet.
Or is America bravely stepping up to face head-on a renewed threat from Mr bin Laden?
Bravely, it has raised fuel prices, even as the cost of crude has dropped.
Joanna Shields is already talking bravely of making the capital the next Silicon Valley.
The former Big Breakfast presenter was undoubtedly saved by a bravely acrobatic showdance, peppered with daring lifts and spins.
She bravely responded in a thoughtful post, explaining her religious beliefs around facial hair.
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But again, kudos for making a making a bravely precise estimate, which before rounding is 294, 093, 000 units.
FORBES: Bold Prediction: Android Will Own 38.6% Of Tablet Market In 2015
Volleys were clearly in vogue as Jason Culina's powerfully hit effort was bravely headed clear by Jenas.
Arlington Cemetery is the hallowed ground and resting place for those who have bravely served our country.
He enjoyed its eccentricity and air of English amateurism, and he served bravely in Libya and Sicily.
For more than two centuries, Americans have bravely served our Nation as members of our Armed Forces.
Americans in uniform served bravely, fought fiercely and kept their honor, even under the worst of conditions.
The solution, the regulators believe, is to press bravely ahead and impose fair-value rules for all financial instruments.
The 10-men bravely held out until the 75th minute when Inter took a stunning lead through defender Miacon.
Vollmer, her colleagues and the children have all seen and heard too much and gotten through it bravely.
And although Mosley bravely hung on the Filipino was handed a 119-108, 120-108, 120-107 verdict in Las Vegas.
Journalists push to report honestly on pollution disasters, and lawyers bravely take cases on behalf of pollution victims.
When magic survives daylight, and the reason is duty bravely performed, we are briefly in a better world.
It looked a borderline case as to whether he should continue, but he bravely asked to play on after changing helmets.
Mayor Cory Booker ( Newark, New Jersey) recently and bravely spoke his mind on the vilification of private equity.
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Where is your life waiting on you to step through your fear, act more bravely and live more boldly?
FORBES: Fear: Is It Stifling Your Experience Of Being Alive?
Amla battled away bravely and had reached 46 when nicking Steve Harmison behind.
Though near-term revenue was projected to increase only 5%, Chambers bravely stuck to long-term projections of a 12% boost.
This week European finance ministers bravely postponed a vote on this awkward issue until the end of the month.
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Several judges of the High Court, which is just beneath the Supreme Court, are proving to be bravely even-handed.