Cummins' bread-and-butter N14 diesel engine was basically a 1970s model with lots of tweaks.
For the bread-and-butter work that many big law firms rely on, haggling has become the norm.
Kitchen-table, bread-and-butter issues will be first and foremost with Latino voters, as with all Americans.
Sales of Ford's bread-and-butter F-Series pickup have slipped 11% along with the market, chewing into profits.
This one isn't as sexy as a big product unveiling, but software is the bread-and-butter of WWDC.
Some bread-and-butter apps have made the launch week cut as well, such as Facebook and Twitter.
ENGADGET: iPhone 5 / iOS 6 app update roundup: new versions for a taller world
Surprisingly, few companies for whom materials science is their bread-and-butter have yet picked up on the techniques.
The crash is particularly stunning when you look at the consumer division, which was once Dell's bread-and-butter.
Moreover, Labour will stress not devolution, but bread-and-butter issues such as jobs, health and crime in its campaign.
Activists also complain that the White House is failing them on bread-and-butter issues.
He applauded last year's attempt to step away from the network's bread-and-butter fare, but thinks they just went too far.
But the classic cucumber and mustard-seed variety, known in the American South as "bread-and-butter" pickles, work best, Mr. Berger says.
Idei has now assumed a long-range strategy role, giving day-to-day control to President Ando, the 58-year-old former chief of the bread-and-butter electronics division.
Dr. Shouldice rejected the idea that a hernia should be given to a young surgical resident or treated as a bread-and-butter procedure.
He views feel-good campaigns around adopting pets--the bread-and-butter of the mainstream animal welfare movement--as an important but incomplete part of the solution.
And politicians have to be mindful of the fact that the public's top priorities are bread-and-butter issues like education, health and pensions.
Many of their voters care more about bread-and-butter issues than ideological ones.
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By September 2003 BrokerTec had 30% of the market for on-the-run (recently issued) Treasurys, eSpeed's bread-and-butter business--and Lutnick was forced to take notice.
The occasional IPO or corporate stock benefit might come their way, sure, but mostly they own bread-and-butter stocks and bonds like everyone else.
The problem is not that they lack for philanthropy but that city government has itself disinvested in such bread-and-butter matters as park maintenance.
The first arises from the fact that getting a candidate elected is not all that different from doing the bread-and-butter business of union life.
Mr Brown's focus on bread-and-butter issues at home will please voters.
ECONOMIST: The prime minister's developing view of the world
Its bread-and-butter marques, of course, are VW and Audi passenger cars.
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The limited cooperation was OK for a while, as long as Chrysler's bread-and-butter trucks and sport utility vehicles were selling well, providing a nice profit cushion.
His talks with Morsy included regional concerns as well as bread-and-butter issues like livestock imports, industrial development and water rights in the Nile River basin, Ali said.
But for the vast majority of poor black South Africans what matters most are bread-and-butter issues, such as housing, health and education, not the niceties of the law.
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Since then, albeit in fits and starts, the labour movement has marginalised its politicised left and concentrated its attention on the bread-and-butter issues of wages, hours and benefits.
"My constituents are more concerned with bread-and-butter issues, " he said.
Instead, once in office, presidents tend to embrace the role of politician and turn their attention to bread-and-butter issues that will matter much more to voters on Election Day.
The Jets' bread-and-butter, as expected, was their ground game.