If you can bear to break away, there are some delightful hillside villages to discover.
But the suggestion that Texas might break away has only recently become a common plotline.
Song proposes that Ad Agency Planners will break away and form their own niche practices.
The question remains: can anyone break away to become a strong third in this market?
Using your brain can be the best way to break away from those habits.
It took a long time before someone dared to challenge the faith and break away.
When you carry your inbox in your pocket, it can be hard to break away.
FORBES: Using your phone for more than just calls and texts?
And if the Serbs are defeated, and Mr Milosevic falls, Montenegro could break away.
We need to break away from the uni-dimensional debate about poverty simply as a material issue.
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Montenegro may break away, he says, unless it is allowed to make its own political and economic reforms.
But Labour said Mr Clegg was passing up an opportunity to "break away" from the Conservatives over the issue.
Like cyclists huddled in the peloton, London's start-ups hope they can break away from the pack to sprint for victory.
You're saying that we're responsible for giving Peter the courage to break away from Bjorn and John and to play on his own.
So they chose cities and regencies instead, because they reckoned that these would not be large enough to break away.
But the Spanish government insists the Spanish constitution does not permit any one of Spain's 17 regions to unilaterally break away.
CNN: Catalan parliament declaration pushes self-determination
Still, Lucas provides a new hope to those indie filmmakers who hope to find their big break away from Hollywood's grip.
This was the last game under its current configuration as the basketball schools will break away from the football schools next season.
He said he did not plan any "time-cuts", preferring not to break away from the launch event preparations to flashbacks of other events.
After taking an initially bullish approach to Fota's threat to break away, Mosley was increasingly conciliatory in his remarks through Saturday and Sunday.
But Fota insiders insist they will break away from F1 if Mosley tries to renege on what was agreed in Paris last month.
Bednar made five appearances for Leicester in this short time at the Walkers Stadium and says the break away from The Hawthorns came at the right time.
Later, speaking to the Guardian newspaper, he said the UK should look at following the example of the US if Scotland did break away.
These, as it happens, are among the largest and wealthiest in the diocese, and they are now threatening to break away, church assets and all.
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"Once the rain is here, the remaining sludge will be washed out and the the dam's northern sections is going to break away, " Mr Illes said.
The company has spent most of the past year trying to break away from its core product lines, which are removable storage products for personal computers.
The routine becomes a daily blur, compelling a president to want to break away and seek a larger vision, something that becomes his stamp, his legacy.
However, he may be able to take advantage of the disarray in these two main parties and persuade parts of them to break away and join him.
If pancreatic cancer is not treated, cancer cells can spread into nearby organs or lymph nodes, or, eventually, break away and spread to other parts of the body.