About 15 percent of the food ads were for breakfast cereals and bread products.
So iodine, which prevents goitre, is routinely added to salt and vitamins to breakfast cereals.
Next month it will launch low-carb versions of its breakfast cereals, Cinnamon and Golden Crunch.
It then sells this stuff to their usual customers: big makers of ice cream, confectionery and breakfast cereals.
Looking ahead, Scott Kabak, the firm's president, says the main developments will come in low-carbohydrate breakfast cereals, pasta and bread.
When you talk about kids eating too much sugar, the usual suspects come to mind: breakfast cereals, sweet snacks, desserts, and candy.
You also can look for an FDA-approved health claim on breakfast cereals if at least half the cereal is made with whole grains.
Sounds like the starting gate of celebrity life, with sellers of breakfast cereals and sports drinks ready to line their pockets with endorsement cash.
Breakfast cereals, predicted Chief Executive Carlos Gutierrez, would account for just 40% of Kellogg's sales in the future, down from 75% before the deal.
Later in the same century came supposedly healthy breakfast cereals, heralded by James Jackson's Granula and followed by the Kellogg brothers and their rival, Charles Post.
Nut products are found in everything from breakfast cereals to egg rolls, and are sometimes left off the ingredient list because only minute amounts are included.
These entrepreneurs helped raise living standards by producing economical breakfast cereals, condensed soups, canned beans, bottled sauces, radios, record players, laptops, athletic shoes, iPods, cell phones and so much more.
FORBES: What Good Are Republicans If They Can't Protect Us From Class Warfare?
Citizens will start brushing up on the words to our arcane national anthem and athletes we've never heard of will start appearing in television ads for washing detergents and breakfast cereals.
It points to a study which discovered that half the ads during children's TV programs were from food companies and that many promoted breakfast cereals, soft drinks, savory snacks, confectionery and fast food.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that occurs naturally in a limited number of foods, so fortified foods including milk, margarines and breakfast cereals and dietary supplements are the major source for most Americans.
The two firms collaborated, along with SAP, to deploy a CRM application onto the iPad for General Mills, the huge maker of breakfast cereals ( Lucky Charms , anyone?) and other packaged foodstuffs from my hometown of Minneapolis.
FORBES: How General Mills Deploys SAP On iPad (Webinar, Summarized)
At best, videogames and DVDs geared to children may be able to complement other forms of learning--kind of like how sugary cereals can be part of a complete breakfast.
Before you venture out, enjoy a complimentary breakfast of assorted fresh fruit, buttery pastries, and cereals.
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