For some people sudden realizations in life come in one breath of their own, but mine had come in a breath not taken by another.
People who have COPD can be more susceptible to such respiratory tract infections, and may experience exacerbations episodes of potentially life-threatening shortness of breath when they catch a cold or breath in air pollution or other irritants.
Ultimately, this unlocked the idea for Listerine Breath Strips: portable breath fresheners in a candy format.
The compounds in their breath were analysed using a technique called secondary electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (SESI-MS), which is capable of detecting extremely small elements of the chemicals present in their breath.
The exercise was conducted in 2003 through the voluntary completion of a questionnaire by drivers who had failed or refused a breath test or who when tested passed on amber which indicated the presence of alcohol in their breath.
Mathur also knew from her own work analyzing the gas makeup of the breath from bariatric surgery patients that those releasing higher levels of methane in their breath tended to have a body mass index (BMI) nearly seven points higher on average than those with lower levels.
Afinitor comes with increased side effects, including mouth dryness and shortness of breath in some patients.
RoSPA's Duncan Vernon welcomed the increase in breath tests but said the figures were still "shocking".
Deep breath in, exhale and perhaps come up with a clever communications strategy.
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Start by focusing on the soles of your feet or as you breath in and out for five minutes, then 10, etc.
She merely sucked in breath at the bite of the icy water through her rubber sheath, then pushed off from the raft.
Yet, though the Dow Jones has fallen by 16% from it peak, the technology-heavy Nasdaq market has barely paused for breath in its ascent.
After spending so much time, energy and breath in the past decade arguing that government subsidies distort markets, now the wealthy, bloated VC community wants its own handouts.
Loved ones draw a breath in being able to communicate.
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Shareholders and seamen alike are holding their breath in anticipation.
If you pause or take a breath in between phrases or sentences when answering a question or talking about yourself, you will be less likely to insert superfluous words into your conversation.
Reaching for my bulging file of financial paperwork I had compiled, I tossed it on the table between us and took a deep breath in anticipation of what his sound advice would be.
We watched the V1s, the 'doodlebugs', rattling across the skies every day and we held our breath in terror, as the unmistakable quite suddenly stopped, and if, instead of dropping straightaway as they often did, they flew silently on.
Tellingly, it begins with the image of a sickly, tubercular child, rasping for breath in the night, and then the flare of a light as his older brother reaches for a dime-store paperback, a well-thumbed cowboy yarn he means to read before sleep.
Step 1 to 3 can be well practiced by using your mind, but when it comes to Step 4, take time for yourself, breath in and out, notice any discomfort in your body and breathe into this discomfort which is often experienced as coldness, stiffness, numbness, prickle, tightness etc.
Often mentioned in the same breath as the equally despised Center for Science in the Public Interest, Banzhaf even merits his own hate site,
Birmingham Crown Court heard Dhesi failed a roadside breath test after the crash and was found to have 46 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath - above the legal limit of 35 micrograms.
BBC: Driver Jasminder Singh Dhesi jailed over M5 fatal crash
But, in the same breath, he confessed to be harbouring some tasty looking sausages in his freezer.
The company acted in the same breath to reinstate dividend payments to investors, which were suspended in June shortly after the spill.
He had pains in his chest and arms, shortness of breath and was covered in a cold sweat.
"I suspect he sometimes thinks these lawyers are talking in their artificial world with their artificial constructs, and in some ways, he's like a breath of fresh air in the ivory tower, " says Thomas Leary, the other Republican on the FTC.
Random breath-testing is the norm across Australia, and the maximum breath alcohol is lower than in Britain.
The Marines haven't launched a pilot program but will begin breath testing in April.
Compounds present in exhaled breath can act as a "fingerprint" for individuals, scientists say.