Extensive repair work cannot take place immediately due to the badger breeding season, which lasts until about June.
Some 240 nests were built during the breeding season but complete data were available from only 119 of these.
Drivers in west Essex are being warned about the increased dangers of deer in the roads during their breeding season.
"I don't think we have ever had as intensive and difficult to put out fires this late in the breeding season, " she said.
The weather, the height of tides and levels of human disturbance all have an impact on whether the birds enjoy a successful breeding season.
"The beauty of the satellites is that you can count all the colonies around the Antarctic coastline at one go in one breeding season, " said Mr. Fretwell.
The species had its best breeding season for 130 years last year, measured by the number of "booming" males, whose distinctive mating call is a low-pitched, far-carrying "boom".
The offspring of the summer spawners seem more vulnerable to predators, because their hatching and early growth coincides with the penguin breeding season, when those birds are hunting most.
Wez Smith, RSPB Langstone Harbour site manager, said the beach would now offer an "attractive and safe" nesting area for the area's little tern population during the breeding season.
They found that, over the course of the breeding season, deserting the nest once eggs had been laid boosted the number of descendants produced by the bird that fled.
In 1990 he estimated that there were 20 billion birds in the continental US (excluding Hawaii and Alaska) after the breeding season each year, so his upper estimate would represent 5% of that population.
The coastal cliffs are home to a mind-boggling array of seabirds, including the ultimate crowd-pleasers: the divinely comedic puffins that arrive for the breeding season in April and depart for warmer climes in mid-August.
The singing was played back to rural male tits during the breeding season when they are at their most aggressive, but there was a "slower and weaker" response than normal from the countryside birds.
Mr Jones said the wildlife trust's "toad patrol" of volunteers would once again be out on the road during the breeding season to help the animals and ensure the number does not drop any further.
Professor Harris and his team said the findings challenged the previous view that puffin populations on the east and west of Britain remained separate from each other, during both the breeding season and during the winter.
One particular question they plan to address is whether the behaviour and severity of the High Park fire was affected by the spread of mountain pine beetle, a pest that is rapidly overrunning Colorado because its breeding season has been extended by the warming climate.
Among the breeding birds this season were a new pair setting up on Lewis in the Western Isles and another in Lochaber.
An osprey thought to be the UK's oldest breeding female has laid her first egg of the season.
But Mr Padilha warned state authorities not to let down their guard as the rainy season could exacerbate the situation, with standing water providing an ideal breeding ground for the mosquitoes carrying the disease.
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California is also baseball's most fertile breeding ground, producing 22% of all U.S.-born major leaguers last season, with enough stars from its southern third to fill an all-time roster, from Jackie Robinson (Pasadena) to Gary Carter (Culver City).