Lucidity and opacity, ordinary delights and exotic peculiarities blend breezily in an intimate jest of vast wonder.
By the way, he adds breezily, any chance of an answer right away?
ECONOMIST: Banks and sovereign-wealth funds: Falling knives | The
Perhaps, as Mr Chirac says, that veto could be circumvented by countries breezily deciding to act outside the Union's formal framework.
Russia has fallen behind on almost all payments since August, and it now breezily assumes that creditors will eventually agree to another restructuring.
Wearing bright-red jeans, purple sneakers and a blue checked hoodie, he chatted breezily onstage about the iPhone app he created on his bedroom computer.
Many were in what the CEOs breezily called the "prerevenue" stage.
Yet Mr Downer, a former Australian foreign minister, is breezily upbeat.
While breezily written, this easy-to-read book has been extensively researched.
Happily the authors breezily expose the absurdity behind that thinking.
FORBES: Book Review: Ayn Rand's "Free Market Revolution" by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins
The denizens of the company headquarters breezily refer to it as the Googleplex, that being the word for the unimaginably large number defined as a one followed by a googol of zeros.
Mr Prodi has talked breezily of bringing jobs and business to the Mezzogiorno, the poor south, where unemployment is about twice as high as the glum national average of 12%.
Winchester breezily exaggerates Krakatoa's importance in the volcano hierarchy.
The independent directors think not, and said so in a forceful statement on January 4th after Novartis breezily implied in a call with analysts that it would have no trouble imposing its will.
Students constantly use it to question things they are taught, he says, citing those who took a faculty member to task for breezily asserting that paying bribes is a normal part of doing business in India.
Looking out on the golf course from my room (a breezily handsome one, admittedly) at Romanos, a Luxury Collection Resort in the first development, Navarino Dunes, I thought that I could just as easily have been in Scottsdale.
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It shuttles breezily between the present day, in which an L.A. detective named Mike Church (Branagh) is trying to discover the identity of an attractive amnesiac (Emma Thompson), and the late forties, in which a European composer and conductor (also Branagh) may or may not have murdered his pianist wife (also Thompson).