Now with Solovev, his shotgun slung over his charcoal black t-shirt, we left the heli-tour boardwalk, wandered the river's gravel shore and sat on brick-red rocks at a pulsing spring called Malachite Grotto.
The tall and wide buildings still look distinctly Victorian from the exterior, with light-coloured brick and red-roofed spires.
Until Wednesday, he lived just a few blocks from Rana Plaza, in a five-story red-brick building he owns at the end of a narrow alley.
Situated on the banks of the Avon in a 17th-century red-brick house, the Swan's Nest Hotel 12 offers some of the best views in town.
Built in 1800, Hank McNeil's Neo-Georgian 13, 000-square-foot Rittenhouse Square mansion is red brick and cube-shaped, with rectangular double-hung windows all aligned and a red front door flanked by Corinthian columns.
He shared the two-story, red-brick home with Powell and their three children.
To get there, you have to pass a row of splendid shikumen (traditional stone-gate houses) , and the old-Shanghai textures continue once inside, with red-brick interior walls and reproduced stone gateways above doorways to rooms which are simple, but smart.
Occupied by a mix of local retailers like a family-owned grocery store as well as national chains like Chipotle, the mostly red brick low-rise district has a relatively lively bar and nightclub scene.
If you drive almost anywhere in Danville, Virginia around Christmastime, you can see a 28-foot-high metal bust of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus atop the sprawling red-brick Dan River mill.
In its densely packed downtown, for instance, the 19th-century courthouse and red-and-white brick Portland Parish Church stand as proud remnants of colonial-era grandeur.
Marge Ford(ph) is one of the condo owners in this new four-story red brick building.
Explore West Virginia the way George would remember it with a trip through time in red-brick-roaded Charles Town.
Mr. Blevins still lives across the street from the red brick single-family home where the suspect grew up.
The school was a newly built red brick one-story structure with four wings.
There was just the goal he had painted on the red-brick wall beside the house, for noisy football practice.
The houses are modern red-brick, apparently free from vandalism or graffiti.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Night experiment cuts youth trouble
The supermarket is in an affluent neighborhood of Tucson, set in the La Toscana Village shopping center, a bustling place with red-brick pillars and green awnings.
And the complex's impressive red-brick arched entryway remains, as a reminder of its legacy: These pools introduced swimming to some of the most impoverished New Yorkers.
The titanic red-brick mill built by Izrael Poznanski, Lodz's most flamboyant industrialist, still stands sentinel over the heart of the city, a cathedral to 19th-century capitalism.
Located in a period building that once did duty as an engineering school, the Inn at the Market in Pike Place Market is a red-brick, boutique hotel.
The Doctors Without Borders Hospital is a simple, red-brick building.
The man, whose identity has not been released, remained holed up in a two-story red brick house in South Trenton more than 22 hours after the standoff began Friday afternoon, authorities said.
At a busy traffic intersection, Cuban duo Marco Castillo and Dagoberto Rodriguez (known as Los Carpinteros) have placed "Catedrales" (2012), five red-brick monoliths embodying attachments for a cordless electric screwdriver, as an ode to craftsmen.
The 69-year-old Christenberry still makes the annual pilgrimage to Alabama each year, returning to the same locations: a strange red-brick building standing alone in Talladega National Forest, a juke joint that has since been torn down, churches and warehouses.
We owned no car and Paddy had been driving me in a horse and trap to the Loreto convent, a red-brick building on a hill overlooking Youghal bay, where the nuns were slowly teaching me to read and write.
But they went instead to a similar looking red brick, end-of-row house just around the corner in Ninian Road in the leafy suburb of Roath.
BBC: Aamir Siddiqi: Hitmen Jason Richards and Ben Hope guilty
In an industrial town cluttered with high rise flats, the two storey red brick house stands out - it even has its own gym.
While a number of yanglou mansions fuse eastern and western styles, a typical dwelling is more traditionally southern Chinese in appearance: one-storey with a red brick facade and topped with overhanging eaves.
The 100-year-old space, located inside the unusual red brick Gothic station building, was closed for a complete overhaul in 2006.
Public records indicate the red brick house with white siding is in foreclosure and has been bank-owned since mid-November.