We learned that there are no restrooms on that lovely bridge across Sydney harbor.
At the north end of the bridge across the Bosporus a sign welcomes drivers to Europe.
The Sheppey Crossing and the QE2 Bridge across the Thames between Essex and Kent are both closed.
The stock exchange and an Australian-financed bridge across the Mekong River are being hurried up for "soft" openings.
There is a long, covered bridge across the Rio Grande with high bars running up the side, making it look a little like a prison.
"The government promised us a bridge across the river, " said one boy.
BBC: News - Today - Life in the oil-rich Siberian town of Strezhevoy
The fire service have made special plans to cope with emergency calls while a bridge across the River Teme in Worcestershire is refurbished.
Some of the biggest projects to benefit include the Peace Bridge across the River Foyle and the proposed new Conflict Transformation centre at the Maze.
The faded port was spruced up before its liberation anniversary at the end of March, and a new bridge across the Han river is almost complete.
It moves just a few metres at a time, backed up from the entrance to a bridge across the Tigris that I have to cross daily to get to work.
Building for them a bridge across will eliminate that gigantic fear and show them your competence, your ability to anticipate and strategize, and your willingness to share a little of the load of transition.
The money has funded scores of community groups as well as high profile projects like the Peace Bridge across the River Foyle and the planned Conflict Resolution Centre at the site of the former Maze prison.
The Golden Gate Bridge soars across the mouth of the bay, connecting the city to Marin County, while the Bay Bridge connects to Oakland in the east.
The council said "many years of winter gritting" had "contaminated the reinforced concrete supporting the bridge" across County Road North.
In its ruling the commission said only Britannia Orange Lodge would be permitted to parade from the Fountain with its band to the Craigavon Bridge via Wapping lane and joining with the main parade across the bridge.
Bridges and tunnels were closed across the region, including the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, the Holland Tunnel, the Tappan Zee Bridge and all spans across the East River.
During 400 years under the British, only one bridge was built across the Irrawaddy.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Interview: Foreign Minister Win Aung - Page 2
It is thought he later walked across the bridge at the Lagan Weir and fell in.
For pedestrians walking across the bridge, the museum is almost close enough to touch.
Then I was across the bridge and in lower Manhattan, another world, still without power.
The trucking company said it received a state permit to carry its oversized load across the bridge.
Then, I left my office at 61 Broadway and headed home, walking across Brooklyn Bridge to Brooklyn Heights.
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He was arrested on 1 October along with hundreds of other campaigners during a march across Brooklyn Bridge.
When dawn approaches, the cats finish their work, close up the shops, and swarm back across the bridge.
Where I live, men, women and children will be marching across a bridge that spans the Hudson River.
Famously John Hume drew inspiration from a walk across the bridge which links France and Germany at Strasbourg.
Across a bridge from Vitoria, in Vila Velha, another community bank has also declared a war on rubbish.
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The platoon rose as one, crouched low and rushed across the bridge to the north side of town.
During the flashride, the cyclists moved across the bridge en masse in a "go-slow" which temporarily held up traffic.
BBC: TfL plans for Blackfriars Bridge spark cyclists protest
E-ZPass lanes now funnel up to 25% more traffic across the bridge during rush periods, according to Mr. Redding.