Brig Gen Carsten Jacobson, spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, said an investigation had been launched.
The parade in Holyhead on Saturday was led by the regimental colonel, Brig Philip Napier.
Twelve were soon freed, and crews worked to get the others out safely, said Brig.
Intelligence, some from a group called Concerned Local Citizens, helped the military identify the targets, Brig.
CNN: Iraq official: 3 suicide bombers at large in Anbar after blast
Brig Gen Wissam al-Hassan was viewed as one of the leading Sunni figures in Lebanon.
Feith, the highly respected U.S. undersecretary of defense for policy, and Air Force Brig.
Brig Neil Baverstock said the barracks could not deal with the number of soldiers based there.
In addition, an Iraqi was shot twice in the leg during the incident, said Brig.
National security adviser Condoleezza Rice -- who briefed Bush -- was briefed herself by Brig.
Brig Jones understands all too well the worries that the troops' loved ones face back at home.
At a news conference, Brig Gen Jim Lukeman said the cause of the malfunction was under investigation.
"Those threats are still there, but they have reduced as the security situation has improved, " says Brig Jones.
More than a million pilgrims had gathered in Karbala, a city of about 750, 000, by Tuesday, said Brig.
Brig Monro's four-year term comes to and end in June, and he said he would not seek reappointment.
Isaf spokesman Brig Gen Carsten Jacobson said that Nato could not yet reveal the identity of those killed.
"The real change will come once this route is fully functional, " said Brig.
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"The Army leadership needs time to review the findings and recommendations, " said Brig.
Last week, senior army officer Brig Gen Manaf Tlas fled Syria via Turkey.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has held up Padilla's transfer from a military brig in South Carolina.
To handle this situation, Brig Mehmood Shah says the government is contemplating forming a permanent army garrison in Swat.
The Marine unit was sent to Samarra to keep traffic from interfering with an armored column approaching Tikrit, Brig.
He was chucked into military custody and held in a Navy brig for almost three and a half years.
Firefighting chief Brig-Gen Naseh Mohammed put the death toll as high as 30.
Shadow defence secretary Jim Murphy said this was "serious criticism" from Brig Paterson.
It's the same with the commander of the Army's 1st Armored Division, Brig.
Brig Bibby, commander of 15 (North East) Brigade, said there had been a long and proud army association with Ripon.
"This is not long enough for my commanding officers to brief their men and cannot be right, " Brig Paterson added.
"It is better for everyone if such uprisings come under control, and operate within the framework of the law, " explained Brig.
If Brig Qadir's information is correct, then that explains why Dr Afridi was not in any particular hurry to leave Pakistan.
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That would him get out of the Navy brig in South Carolina where he has been held for over three years.