Roy's eyes were just like my father's, a bright blue, and his hair was black.
The windows are boarded up, and a bright blue tarp stands at attention near the garage.
Let's not forget the Australian Open changing court color from the green to that bright blue!
Moulkheir, who is in her 40s, wore a bright blue headscarf and matching dress.
The most spectacular recovery was of the bright blue damselfish found 120m down off Palau.
The sky overhead is bright blue and filled with the sound of bleating.
Over there on the couch was Warren Buffet in bright blue pajamas and a white hotel robe.
He picks up a bright blue scrap from the dirt that looks like a piece of plastic.
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Everywhere, there were also bright blue government-issued tents with the Chinese characters for "disaster relief" printed in white.
The following season, he showed the jacket in bright blue with strong shoulders.
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While some gems may appear colorless in daylight, under ultraviolet light they can burn a bright blue or green.
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As I waited I watched engineers unpack computers and string clumps of bright blue cables up between the trees.
Wearing his bright blue marathon jacket, Dan Arone said he had crossed the finish line 40 minutes before the explosions.
With 320 days of sunshine each year, and bright blue skies, Varney says Tucson is a wonderful place to live and work.
Not just stocks but real estate floated into the bright blue yonder.
As of Thursday morning, he was still part of the U.S. Open commercials, holding down the baseline in his bright blue bandanna.
His face seemed misshapen, and even the tip of his noise, which was nearly always purple, had turned bright blue with fright.
He knew immediately from the bright blue eye shadow in the photo.
Behind hexagonal glasses, his bright blue eyes are unblinking, warm and persistent.
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But he told me later that Earth's bright blue light was shining through the Eagle's telescope and into his eyes, keeping him awake.
"I like them, I think it's a great idea, if they can work out the kinks, " Ms. Torres said of the bright blue Citi Bikes.
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After the researchers had allowed their wafer to cool, they bathed it in ultraviolet light and saw that some of the squares glowed bright blue.
On the last day, I catch a bright blue village bus from the covered bridge in Lech to the lake at the end of the valley.
Energy Star So, you're patting yourself on the back because that new refrigerator or TV you just bought comes with a bright blue Energy Star sticker.
"I was standing outside having a bit of fresh air and as I turned round I saw this very bright blue light which was dimming, " he said.
It makes sense to create some awful sort of counterpoint to the opulent brilliance of Columbia, to frame shocking violence against the bright blue skies and breathtaking vistas.
Hundred-year-old pine trees are snapped in half, crumpled metal signs still lie in the roads and there are simply a ton of houses covered in bright blue plastic.
But for tasks that require a little bit of creativity, we seem to benefit from high ceilings, lots of windows and bright blue walls that match the sky.
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From next month, all junior doctors starting work at West Middlesex hospital will be provided with tunic-style uniforms in bright blue - made of an "infection fighting" material.
The bright yellows of the recently harvested corncobs and the bright blue Chinese sky contrast sharply with the grays, browns and smudged greens of the flat, bleak, open countryside.