• Here, the buildings are brightly painted and even the cafes double as galleries.

    BBC: Gateway to the Blue Ridge Mountains

  • The red flash of the brightly painted train is absolutely unmissable among the gentle greens, greys and blues of the mountains.

    BBC: Full steam ahead

  • Brightly painted two- and three-storey homes line the hillsides to this day, giving Valparaiso one of the most distinctive panoramas this side of San Francisco.

    BBC: Va-va-Valparaiso

  • Two sedans with big, brightly painted, carefully hand-built model airplanes lashed to their roofs were turning off the road onto the dirt track.

    NEWYORKER: The Kingpins

  • Slowly putt-putting out of the harbour in a brightly painted blue-and-orange ramshackle boat, the fisherman will likely take you towards the bays and reefs of the tiny outer islands.

    BBC: Vietnam's prison-island paradise

  • The brightly painted hallways are crammed with new hires in a rush, high-potential prospects who, in Manglik's generation, had to leave India if they wanted to exploit their technology degrees.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It is an ancient-looking room, with a gleaming floor buffed by many feet for many years, its low willow-branch ceiling and beams brightly painted and hung with banners, the walls depicting floating Buddhas and snarling, dark-faced demons.

    FORBES: Feature

  • The heat got us moving the next morning, and we jammed into a boksi, a brightly-painted pickup fitted with benches, heading north to where we planned to rejoin the Nile and find traces of the upper reaches of the ancient Egyptian Empire.

    WSJ: A Father-Son Vacation in Sudan, Africa

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