But the victory - the most one-sided of the Premiership season - will send Leicester into the play-offs brimming with confidence.
It may sound odd in the context of a lower average, but Teixeira comes off as a man brimming with confidence.
It is also no surprise that Mr Erdogan is brimming with confidence.
Hingis was brimming with confidence against her early opponents Monica Seles and Mary Pearce, but once again her old rival Davenport proved her nemesis.
McRae suffered mechanical problems in his Nissan last year but, after winning the Baja 500 in Portalegre earlier this year, he is brimming with confidence.
The revelation has been Eoin Morgan, who is brimming with confidence.
But Rigondeaux is brimming with confidence about this megabout.
Boasting two wins from the first three Premiership games, Exeter arrived brimming with confidence, something their hosts found more difficult to generate after collecting a meagre three points from as many games.
It was 1993 and China was bidding for the 2000 Olympics. with the country brimming with confidence, a Chinese-born Harvard mathematician figured this was the time to ask China to host another global event held every four years.
With the devastation of World Wars I and II still fresh in European minds, and the continent hardly brimming with confidence about the future, Washington signaled in 1950 that American energy and attention were switching from Europe to the Korean peninsula.
"It's going to take them a while to adjust to the zone, " said junior guard Brandon Triche, who, like the rest of his teammates, was brimming with confidence that defense is going to carry Syracuse to Monday night's title game against either Louisville or Wichita State.
Hypomanics are brimming with infectious energy, irrational confidence and really big ideas.