The employee said the health trust's plans to bring into use 15 extra ambulances were "not workable" because of a shortage of staff.
The city council has approved plans for a 15-year regeneration scheme to bring vacant land into use and overhaul key buildings.
"So there needs to be a range of ways in which we bring those back into use, where possible working with owners, " Mr Pusey added.
The number had dropped from 9, 000 since it started its "No Use Empty" scheme in 2005 to bring empty homes back into use.
The trust has spent 18 months securing funding to bring the house back into use.
He added that the government was working to provide more affordable homes and bring empty homes back into use.
Local Government Minister Derek Mackay said legislation would incentivise some landlords to bring commercial properties back into use and said some rents remained stubbornly high when there was demand from potential tenants.
Its aim is to bring 130 empty properties back into use each year and is writing to private landlords.
Liverpool mayor Joe Anderson said the plan would bring the building "back into meaningful use".
BBC: Liverpool Royal Insurance building to be turned into hotel
Cornwall Council claims it is "determined" to bring hundreds of empty homes back into use to tackle the shortage of affordable housing.
The government said it was working to bring many properties earmarked for destruction back into use.
But this year, the VGAs showed that the tech has uses far greater than charts and graphs, rather they use it to bring games into reality, and for all its hype from the producers, it is quite a sight to behold.
Clinton will ask the Attorney General and Secretary of Education to report back with a plan to use COPS funding to bring more officers into interested schools.
The sales are part of an initiative to bring 179 homes in Granby, Kensington and Picton back into use.
Keeping workers close seems to be a priority at Facebook and Google, which both use carrots rather than sticks to bring employees into the office.
FORBES: Marissa Mayer: Choosing Corporate Culture over Worker Independence
Nonetheless, if it were my child and I saw clear warning signs of bipolar disorder, I would bring the child into psychiatric treatment immediately and not hesitate to use medications if my doctor thought they were indicated.
"Congress wants harsh penalties doled out for these crimes because they don't want people defacing websites, but there has to be a way that we can bring the law into harmony with the realities of how people use technology today, " said Hanni Fakhoury, an attorney at the San Francisco-based nonprofit Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Mr McConnell said the executive will bring forward legislation "to bring Scotland's behaviour on alcohol and the use of alcohol into the 21st century" through the Licensing Bill.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | McConnell details political goals
Use your power to bring in the major card processors and retailers into the fold.
FORBES: BlackBerry Made Me A Loser. But Could Microsoft Make Me A Winner?
Bring them into your eco-system to help develop content they and others can use on their blogs to drive traffic and engagement.
If a foreign State ceases to exist under international law and, consequently, a bilateral treaty between the extinct State and the United States lapses, the President cannot use the "receive Ambassadors" clause to bring a new treaty into force between the United States and a successor to the extinct State without Senate advice and consent.
It hopes to use a popular form of media to bring important social issues front and center into our everyday consciousness.
Thus, Baduel has tried to bring Venezuelans into a debate on national issues of importance such as oil policy and how to use oil resources and oil income.
It led Livingstone to believe that his role was to find an easy route into the heart of the continent, that missionaries and then traders could use to bring Christianity and legitimate trade.
Therefore, to jump start the economy, the government had to rely on foreign direct investment and exports to bring capital and hard currency into the country, and as the economy developed, it had to use government spending to build infrastructure and further fuel growth.
Just a few months ago, Google sketched out a plan to bring together a wide array of its display ad buying technologies into a more coherent, easier-to-use offering.