It had been trying to bring down the amount of debt it had on its books, shedding among other things bad mortgages and other loans.
"Having progressed through the ranks at Liverpool to make my first team debut at 17, before embarking upon spells at Real Madrid, Newcastle United, Manchester United and Stoke City, not to mention representing my country on 89 occasions, I now feel it is the right time to bring the curtain down on my career, " he wrote in a statement on his website.
The country's National Confederation of Industry (CNI) has expressed concern at the current exchange rate of about 1.70 reais to the dollar and has called on Ms Rousseff to bring it down to somewhere between 2.00 and 2.20.
This was an office established by the Bush Administration and then the Obama Administration has doubled down on it to bring healthIT in the U.S. out of the dark ages.
Some analysts say the possible change is a ruse to prolong Mir's life past next June, when Russia, whose government is basically bankrupt, promised to bring it down and concentrate its very limited resources on the new station.
Defense Secretary William Perry said the United States would be part of a powerful force that "would bring a large hammer down" on anyone who attacked it.
Operations including its Outright Monetary Transactions (OMTs) and the Long-Term Refinancing Operations (LTROs) helped bring down yields on eurozone sovereign bonds, making it less expensive for governments to borrow on international markets and pay off their interest payments to creditors.
BBC: Davos 2013: Carney says next two years decisive for banks
Although the state has stepped up spending on anti-retroviral drugs it does little to bring down the number of new infections.
But in countries like Italy, France and Greece, trade-union opposition to pension reform is so fervent that it can hamstring governments and even, on occasions, bring them down.
We took it on because it's the single best way to bring down our deficits. (Applause.) By the way, nobody has disputed that.
It was AQAP that tried to bring down Northwest Flight 253 over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009 using a Nigerian recruit who had secreted a hard-to-detect bomb in his underwear, and it was AQAP that smuggled bombs in printer cartridges onto cargo planes bound for the U.S. in October 2010.
Hatton still has options, although it would not be a surprise if he decides to bring down the curtain on his stellar 12-year career as a professional.
On one side it is clear that news like this can bring people down, but it could also push them to show the clean face of football.
If Republicans vote it down, they will be directly voting to bring in a tax rise on "ordinary Americans".
Cracking down on conflict minerals may not bring peace in eastern Congo, but it could help.
However, you can now do team plans that will reduce the cost based on how many people you add, and you can even pay yearly to bring it down a further 25%.
It added that operations would take place on weekends and bank holidays in order to bring the numbers back down.
BBC: Royal Cornwall Hospital ambulance waiting crisis 'over'
Problematically for the impeachers, it will take three or even four of them (depending on the rules) to bring Mr Estrada down.
"As far as I'm concerned - bring it on, as long as we're all on a level playing field - I think competition drives down price and drives innovation, " he said.
Now the same intensity of stress and fear over the coming confrontation on the debt ceiling, even as widely advertised as it already is, threatens to bring down the market once again.
Does it bring down costs for all Americans as well as for the federal government, which spends a huge amount on health care?
It has also been reported that on Tuesday, Spain will be given an extra year to bring its budget deficit down to the permitted level.
BBC: Spanish borrowing costs above 7% as euro ministers meet
Federal authorities caught on to it around 2007 and arrested people connected with the network, but have been unable to bring down people at the top level of the group, these people say.