Research in Motion on the other hand has invested heavily developing its soon to be released Blackberry 10 OS. Early reviews are favorable, and its likely Research in Motion wants to bring this to market for a hail Mary pass rather than throw in the towel now.
Comcast, a global media and technology company, today announced plans to bring Xfinity TV customers an all-access, free pass to the biggest TV catch-up in TV history from March 25-31.
It is far from clear whether Mr Reid can muster the 60-vote supermajority he needs simply to bring such a bill to the Senate floor, let alone to pass it.
Eventually Katara will house artists from around the region who bring their studios to Qatar to work and pass on knowledge to others.
The cycle routes were specifically designed by the environmental engineering charity Sustrans to pass through communities and bring business opportunities such as this one.
And much younger children can also bring cases if they pass a simple test to persuade lawyers that they understand what a solicitor is.
With prospects dim for any Republican support for a health care bill, the Democratic leadership wants to bring liberals, progressives and conservatives in their party together to use its majority in both chambers to pass a bill this year.
CNN: Senate panel votes down public option for health care bill
If the votes are split, how can the chair facilitate the compensation committee meeting in such a way as to bring the group together for a workable solution that will pass muster with shareholders and executives alike?
Reo-Coker was then let down by Ashley Young's inability to bring the ball under control after he had pushed a smart pass through with the England winger lurking on the shoulder of Sunderland's defenders.
The Asian side slowly began to frustrate the Dutch, who struggled to bring striker Robin van Persie into the game and lacked a killer pass.
It was Turner who caught a touchdown pass from quarterback Mark Sanchez shortly after that, to bring the Jets within two with just over a minute left in the game.
Leinster missed a golden chance to bring themselves right back into it when Ollie le Roux's pass eluded Jamie Heaslip when the Ireland hopeful had a clear run to the line up the left flank.
House leaders have said they will not bring the bill to the floor unless they are confident they have the votes to pass.
These members of Congress made clear that if House leadership would only bring up the bill for a vote it would pass the House and be sent to the president to become law.
Carew played the ball into Ashley Young who cutely back-heeled a return-pass into the Norwegian's path and he fired across Sorensen to bring Villa level.
Liberal Democrats had opposed the introduction of the English Baccalaureate Certificate, believing they would bring in a two-tier system, which would damage teenagers who were not academic enough to pass the new exams.
Dr Williams said the SNPA had been awarded a "first round pass" in recognition of the project's potential and the benefits it could bring to the area and Wales.
If the Senate is able to pass a bill, the speaker could again be faced with a decision whether to bring up a measure that has significant Democratic support but potentially only a minority within his own ranks.
As a United States Senator, he reached across the aisle to pass groundbreaking lobbying reform, lock up the world's most dangerous weapons, and bring transparency to government by putting federal spending online.
But when the order came from the Mercedes pit wall to bring both cars home safely without taking any more risks, Nico Rosberg listened and didn't pass Lewis Hamilton, despite having a faster car.
But there are early signs of success, notably in one priority, to push up sharply the proportion of honours graduates, who bring in twice as much provincial funding as a pass student.
Roberts saved Wales from another Medard attack, turning to bring the Frenchman down on the hosts' 22 and from the resulting scrum Baby dropped Parra's pass and suffered a knee injury in the process.