As for what happens next, campaign finance reform supporters say they will try to bring up the legislation against this year.
Winterhart is up against Hilary Mantel's Bring Up the Bodies, winner of the 2012 Man Booker Prize, as well as Stephen May's Life!
Her historical novel, Bring Up The Bodies, is up against 19 other titles including six debuts and two previous winners in the long list.
Doing so makes sense in economic and taxation terms, but it runs into trouble if hydrocarbons are being sourced much more cheaply from unconventional sources, and it runs up against the drive to bring down emissions.
This fiasco got its start last year, when Schwab inserted in its standard customer arbitration agreement a provision that any investor who opens an account with Schwab is giving up his right to bring a class action against Schwab.
FORBES: Small Investors Smacked Down, One More Time, in Schwab Ruling
For believers, for us Christians, like Abraham, like Saint Joseph, the hope that we bring is set against the horizon of God, which has opened up before us in Christ.
They voted in lockstep against it in the Senate and they won't bring it up in the House.
Bayliss will now step-up his attempts to bring in a replacement ahead of Saturday's home game against Forest Green Rovers.
"We hope this decision signals the special prosecutor's intention to live up to her reputation as a passionate, justice-focused attorney and bring charges against Zimmerman herself, " said NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous.
But it became clear, as the voting went on, that the Republicans weren't going to get this, and in the end, Majority Leader Frist himself voted against cutting off debate just simply so that he can bring the issue up again.
Two years ago, the 44-year-old campaigner set up a group called India Against Corruption aimed at putting pressure on the government to bring about tough anti-corruption laws.
"This is a serious reminder of the type of enemy we are up against, and the risks the world faces from people who would use weapons that bring harm to innocents, " Fleischer said.
They will keep up their threat of force, encourage the Iraqi opposition, try to get inspections under way again, step up patrols of the Gulf against sanctions-busting smugglers and launch a diplomatic offensive to bring the world round to their point of view.
The Justice Department, which can bring criminal charges, has beefed up its FCPA unit as well and last year carried out 22 FCPA enforcement actions against corporations.
The trial bar's strategy against corporate America up to now has been to file a suit, depress the stock price and bring the company to the table to get a settlement out of it, he said.