Drama and brinkmanship continue in the Senate instead of a genuine urge to pass it.
For all their brinkmanship, the natives are likely to stick to the path of negotiation.
Brinkmanship and partisan talk continue in Washington over extension of the Bush tax cuts.
Congress should resist the temptation to use Keystone XL as an opportunity for political brinkmanship.
Just how these impasses will be resolved, and with what amount of brinkmanship, is anyone's guess.
ECONOMIST: Bickering and stalemate loom for America��s new Congress
The debt ceiling remains a chip in the brinkmanship game between Democrats and Republicans over the fiscal cliff.
FORBES: U.S. Will Reach Debt Limit Dec. 31--And Begin To Have Trouble Paying Bills
The previous talks, known as the Uruguay round, went through lots of brinkmanship and delays before they were completed.
But it is a dangerous game of brinkmanship, and not only because it is scaring investors away from Russia.
That is, Obama has chosen to respond to Syria's open brinkmanship by rewarding Assad with newfound legitimacy and panache.
Even by Congress' high standards of messy brinkmanship, this was an extraordinary night.
Whether or not the misunderstanding was deliberate, Mr Sadr is indulging in brinkmanship.
The brinkmanship of SLC, which recently didn't pay its own players for a year, seemed to work on this occasion.
Investors may also have become used to Washington brinkmanship, having seen last-minute deals brokered after a series of political standoffs.
The recent brinkmanship over raising the debt ceiling was hardly an edifying spectacle, but then again sausage grinding rarely is.
No one knows how this brinkmanship will come to an end, or even if it will come to an end at all.
Mr Cantor says constituents in his Virginia district have complained that political brinkmanship has pushed the economy to the edge of disaster.
It is brinkmanship more than scepticism about trade that has driven the emerging world to demand the right to keep high tariffs.
To force Democrats to go along with the budgetary cuts, Republicans hold the most valuable chip available in this game of brinkmanship.
FORBES: GOP's Threat To Shutdown The Government Is A Dangerous Strategy
For sure, there is an element of brinkmanship in the current deadlock.
C. will eventually reach a decision after a hearty game of brinkmanship.
This latest round of brinkmanship is not the end of it, hardly.
But they do fear that the brinkmanship between Yukos and the government could slip out of control and tip the company into bankruptcy.
Greece may be a small economy, but a Greek departure from the euro, amid brinkmanship and bluster, would not be a small event.
Congress is engaged in brinkmanship over whether it will increase the limit, and allow the government to pay bills it has already incurred.
FORBES: Experts Agree: U.S. May Become A 'Simpsons' Episode And Need Platinum Coins Or IOUs
In a predictable piece of brinkmanship, Mr Trimble will wait until September 13th to announce whether or not his party will attend the talks.
The brinkmanship revolved around a somewhat tougher motion proposed by Mr Afriyie, which was due to be debated in one of today's Backbench Business Committee slots.
There have been bumps along the way: the index fell sharply in 2008 and again this summer, when debt-ceiling brinkmanship raised the prospect of government austerity.
Washington had its own bout of brinkmanship last summer regarding the increase in America's debt ceiling, and is likely to have it again in a few months.
His knowledge of Italian politics, public finances and financial markets may make him willing to play games of brinkmanship, says Marco Annunziata, the chief economist at GE.
If agreement can't be reached, hundreds of thousands of homes could become uninsurable, with dire implications for their owners, and Mr Raab is concerned about brinkmanship in the talks.