According to a 2010 survey by Parks Associates, more than 50 percent of Americans with Internetservice look to their broadbandprovider as their first or second choice in solving their home computer-related technical issues.
Orange started offering broadband earlier this year after the company absorbed internetserviceprovider Wanadoo - also owned by Orange's parent, France Telecom.
To improve technology access, Microsoft also announced the deployment of a pilot project with the Kenyan Ministry of Information and Communications and Kenyan Internetserviceprovider Indigo Telecom Ltd. to deliver low-cost, high-speed, wireless broadband and create new opportunities for commerce, education, healthcare and delivery of government services across Kenya.
Ofcom has proposed reductions in the prices BT can charge internetservice providers (ISPs) in parts of the country where BT is the sole provider of wholesale broadband services.