During his weekly broadcast address, Bush blamed "a few activist judges and local officials who have taken it on themselves to change the meaning of marriage" for pushing the matter to the forefront.
In address broadcast on TV, Mr Cabello said he had visited Mr Chavez in Cuba on Friday.
"Thousands of other families across the United States are also drowning in our grief, " said Francine Wheeler, choking back tears in the address broadcast Saturday.
"This cheap, one-sided, mendacious campaign carried out by the media and politicians against the amnesty is in essence the continuation of something I'm already well acquainted with, " President Klaus said in a special address broadcast during Czech television's main evening news.
College brought a similar experience: He was doing well until a local radio station broadcast his name and address in a recurring segment alerting the public to sex offenders in the area.
CNN: Report: Registry does more harm than good for teen sex offenders
He has long broadcast his e-mail address to anyone within earshot and has no handler doing his responses.
"Our men are there and we will make victory there, " he said in a televised address that was broadcast in Lebanon.
In an address to delegates broadcast on Russian TV, she called on people to adopt a more positive outlook on life.
Minick also offers a "no spam" feature that allows those with a Swisscom mobile phone to remove their address from the broadcast list.
Today, President Bush responded in his Saturday radio address, which, unlike most Saturdays, was broadcast live.
If genuine, the tape represented Mr bin Laden's first such address for over a year, following a videotaped message broadcast by al-Jazeera shortly before America's 2004 presidential election.
McCain-Feingold sought to address this problem by prohibiting corporate and union funding of broadcast ads mentioning a candidate within thirty days of a primary or a caucus or within sixty days of a general election.
Zimbabwean television broadcast a programme of popular Zimbabwean music in the run-up to the presidential address - which was originally scheduled for earlier on Tuesday morning.
In his address to tens of thousands of worshippers at Tehran Friday prayers, which was broadcast live by Iranian state TV and radio, he said the outcome must be decided at the ballot box, not on the street.
The prime minister - who after a slow start found his campaigning feet when he reverted to using a soapbox to address crowds in the street - made much of his Brixton roots, most memorably in a election broadcast.