Duarte broke away from a 10-man group with 1km left and just held on.
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Anguilla broke away from St Kitts and Nevis and became a British overseas territory in 1980.
Eos represents musicians who broke away from the Performing Right Society (PRS) in a row over payments.
South Sudan peacefully broke away from Sudan in 2011 but is still dealing with violence inside its own borders.
In 2005, SEIU broke away from the AFL-CIO to form part of a new labor federation, Change to Win.
Two idealistic and frustrated teachers, Mike Feinberg and David Levin, broke away from the public school system and started KIPP.
FORBES: How to Succeed at Business: Vision, Courage and Flexibility
Sharon, who helped forge Likud, broke away from the party last year and announced a new centrist party called Kadima.
Pavey and 23-three-year-old Changeywo, fourth at last weekend's World Cross-Country Championships, broke away from the field after the halfway stage.
At one point on October 26th Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy broke away from the summit to bargain with bankers.
The musicians broke away from the Performing Right Society (PRS) to join Eos, claiming they were being short-changed for their work.
It was also what happened to Helmut Schmidt in 1982, when the FDP broke away from its coalition with his SPD.
The musicians broke away from the Performing Right Society to join the new agency, claiming they were being short-changed for their work.
BBC: Radio Cymru music dispute talks to resume later in week
Special mistrust is reserved for the 300, 000 Bahais, because their movement broke away from and then rejected Shiism in the 19th century.
The police said the "vast majority" of demonstrators broke away from an agreed return route on their way back from the protest.
Lance broke away from the Leadville Trail 100 field of mountain bicyclists at 35 miles and rode the last 65 miles by himself.
Mr Erdogan broke away from the Islamists to form his own party, saying his new goal was to lead Turkey into the European Union.
ECONOMIST: A delicate balancing act has wider implications for Turkey
The musicians broke away from the Performing Right Society (PRS) to join the new agency Eos, claiming they were being short-changed for their work.
Not long after the bobbing booster was fished out of the Atlantic, a team of troubleshooters determined the wire broke away from a connector.
She was a key player during Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 and followed Sharon when he broke away from Likud to form Kadima in 2005.
The failure of the Social Democratic Party, which broke away from Labour in the early 1980s, proved how hard the British system is on new parties.
However, they broke away from the Congolese army in April, complaining they weren't being promoted as promised and because of a lack of pay and poor conditions.
Mbeki's supporters broke away from the ANC and formed their own party, and ANC Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe was sworn in as head of the country.
CNN: South African court postpones Zuma corruption proceedings
However Germany, which also does well at the Olympics, broke away from this with 46% wanting to keep the Games separate while 45% wanted them to merge.
The FFR broke away from the better known Tuareg MNJ rebels, who are fighting for greater autonomy and a larger share of northern Niger's vast mineral wealth.
Three years ago, North American traditionalists broke away from the US Episcopal church to set up their own network under the authority of the Anglican Church in Nigeria.
They were killed and a man was injured when their van was hit by a trailer that broke away from a truck on Route 13 around 6 p.m.
Truly decentralized states, particularly the Netherlands (which broke away from Spain in the late 16th century) and Britain, fostered liberties that, in turn, fostered innovation and economic growth.
Furthermore, if HBO broke away from cable they would have to do so by ending lucrative contracts with the cable industry that make their business model possible.
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It certainly did on the day a few years ago, when a group of his supporters broke away from his annual May Day Joan of Arc parade in Paris.
How are we doing so poorly as retirement savers that we rank below an Eastern European country that only broke away from the Czech Republic two decades ago?