Sugar molecules released from the broken-down shell are then absorbed and used as energy by the bacteria.
Designed in perfect, dusty, broken-down detail by Jeff Cowie, the boathouse is the Victorian-style folly of the title.
And while earlier problems on the M2 have been cleared, a number of broken-down vehicles continue to cause delays.
And the idea of being foreigners caught with a broken-down car on the potholed village roads did not appeal at all.
He arrives in Battle Creek "a broken-down, nervous wreck, " suffers under J.
Stocks are like broken-down horse-drawn carriages in this context, the leverage and action of the new markets are significantly more alluring for active traders.
FORBES: In which Downtown Josh Brown solves the volume riddle
Her broken-down cars were now lurid beasts against the stucco walls.
The court was told a coupler which had been attached to the broken-down track maintenance wagon broke, allowing it to detach from the train which was pulling it.
But if Mr Assad junior ever comes to power, he might find the greatest threat to his rule coming not from disgruntled apparatchiks, but from Syria's broken-down economy.
Spokesman Bram Smets said the broken-down train had been taken out of service and the company was doing everything it could to find the exact cause of the problem.
Otherwise you are free to wander between broken-down walls and vanished gardens, look down on village roofs and muse on what it must have been like in its earlier incarnations.
He reasoned that by adding the least reactive ingredients of his potion first and by using broken-down water molecules instead of intact H2O, he could prevent the premature gelling that had plagued his peers.
Roasting a whole chicken can take well over an hour, depending on its size, but simply roasting small bone-in pieces of a broken-down bird, as is called for here, takes half an hour or less.
WSJ: Ignacio Mattos's Fennel, Chili and Yogurt Roast Chicken with Parsley Salad | Slow Food Fast
For the installments in-between, I would start with the resolution of the last segment's cliffhanger, explaining, for instance, how Bolster, in his broken-down old Nissan Sentra, was able to outrun a Cadillac SUV driven by gun-toting thugs.
WSJ: Neal Pollack on Writing a Detective Serial | Word Craft
Julian understood that he would have to hire cheap help, a broken-down old carpenter desperate for work, or some rehabilitating wino or mental case, and the thought elevated his spirits, as if such servitude would echo the history of the place.
The inquest heard Mr Balkwell had been working in a lorry which had broken down - and was using a drill to try to remove the concrete inside when he became trapped.
Against expectations, parliament also secured measures to make banks disclose more data about their net income, public subsidies and taxes, broken down country-by-country.
At the 2012 finals, Mali's most decorated footballer -- who boasts three Spanish La Liga titles and two European Champions League medals among other trophies -- had broken down in tears as Islamists took control of the north of his country amidst fierce fighting.
The overall construction -- which can be broken down into its constituent head, neck and body components for transport -- feels lightweight and borderline-flimsy at times, though to be fair, it's held up remarkably well during our time with it and we don't have any reason to suspect it might do otherwise.
Gore, a bevy of 5-4 rulings broken down into ideological camps, and increasingly partisan confirmation standoffs over the past few decades have only cemented this transformation.
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After a few hours of solar pummeling the whole thing can be broken down and automatically re-created, returning efficiency to maximum.
ENGADGET: Self-repairing solar cells could also fix our energy dependency
It's a little more complicated than that, though -- we've broken it down after the break, grab the PDF and follow along.
Labour said it was because cross-party agreement had broken down.
Two hours later and our minds started to race with all the possible reasons he hadn't returned -- had the jeep broken down, or more worryingly, had he had a serious accident?
She attributes fancy menswear's growing sales figures to the fact that many men are now experimenting more with clothes--trying on new looks at a time when the old dress-for-success rules have broken down and new rules have yet to be written.
This makes them best suited for "parallellisable jobs" - processes that can be broken down into several parts that are then run simultaneously.
We've broken the entire thing down for you -- we're not kidding when we say this will affect how the internet works for all of us in the future, so grab a snack and head past the break for the whole story.
ENGADGET: FCC outlines new 'third way' internet regulatory plan, will split access from content
During earlier inspections in the mid-1990s, trust had broken down badly in the council when first Russia and China, then France, tiring of mounting Iraqi intransigence, argued for a switch to less intrusive monitoring and an easing of sanctions so that trade could resume.